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The Washington Standard

Progressive Big tech social media companies like Apple, Google, Twitter and Facebook have decided to sacrifice human rights and human dignity to promote the worst type of diversity possible, Sharia Law.

HR 280 is not the best way to help our kids play safer sports or have safer play time, certainly not at the leading and advice from Gates-funded groups. Sports has already been ground through the CCSS Machine.

Take your stand now—using every nonviolent means at your disposal—while you still can. Don’t wait to reflect back on missed opportunities to push back against tyranny.

You would think Qatar is somehow the Senate foreign policy priority, as opposed to destroying ISIS or checking China.

How many hundreds of millions of our taxpayer dollars went to fund this Kafkaesque persecution all because the treasonous left refused to accept the results of free and fair elections? America is under siege from within.

Perhaps if the mainstream media would dare to actually publish how much money is stolen from Americans to pay for the lavish lifestyles of the wealthy rulers who dictate their lives, we would have a lot more people demanding their freedom from the totalitarians they voted for.

As politicians claim they aren’t coming for your guns, over 1,700 citizens have had their guns confiscated in 2018 and this number is likely far higher as many states don’t report it.

Police accused an innocent woman of stealing her own van and proceeded to handcuff her and violently assault her.