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The Feminist Movement’s Roots in Marxist Philosophy

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Despite the fact that Donald Trump is days away from assuming the presidency, the choo choo train of fundamental transformation continues to chug along. The left remains in firm control of America’s educational system, which means that no matter what conservative changes Trump may make, students will still be indoctrinated into the tenets of progressivism. The latest example of this is coming from the same place that white privilege education originated: Wisconsin. It is overwhelmingly obvious that there is an agenda to not only weaken and discredit American institutions, but the American male, as well. The University of Wisconsin is set to launch its “men’s project,” which is designed to teach male students to be more self aware of how their masculinity and manly attitudes affect the people around them. One of the main objectives, according to the college, is to address the negative characteristics of masculinity and the violence it allegedly causes. Also, the program seeks to encourage men to engage in critical self reflection and promote gender equality. Like White Privilege education, the gender equality/feminist movement has its roots in Marxist philosophy and is designed to break down the most basic of American institutions, the nuclear family.

Karl Marx viewed the family as a vehicle of class oppression. A strong family structure is essential to any free nation where people rely on themselves, as opposed to government. To Marx and Engels, however, the family was an instrument of exploitation. The family structure was a byproduct of the oppressive capitalist system where the woman’s labor was exploited and undervalued. Marxist theory on the family argues that the modern structure developed out of a need to pass on property through familial lines. As the development of agriculture and the use of livestock became more prevalent, the need to maintain and pass down private property became a dominating factor in family life, thus, relinquishing women into subservient roles. Therefore, in order to create true gender equality, private property must be eliminated.  These ideas were later developed into the modern feminist movement by left wing activist, Betty Friedan.

Friedan, who was a communist sympathizer, authored the book The Feminine Mystique, where she attempted to convince American women that the lives they were living were no more than comfortable prison camps. Marxists thrive on the creation of discontent, and in the very first chapter of this book, Freidan holds no punches. Attacking the very nature of what it meant to be a 20th century American woman, Friedan suggests they should all be wondering if there is more to life than simply serving their families.

“The problem lay buried, unspoken for many years in the minds of American women. It was a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a yearning that women suffered in the twentieth century in the United States. Each suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for the groceries, matched slip cover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured cub scouts and brownies, lay beside her husband at night-she was afraid to ask herself the silent question. Is this all?”

In that very first paragraph Friedan exposes her Marxist leanings by citing the typical work of a house wife as a source of discontent. She attacks the very nature of motherhood by implanting the idea that caring for children is somehow unfulfilling, and that family life itself is a form of oppression by describing it as a buried, unspoken of problem. The feminist movement, with the help of Freidan’s book, has aided in the destruction of the American family by convincing women that they are oppressed victims in patriarchal oligarchy. This draws back to Antonio Gramsci and the idea of counter hegemony. The feminist movement represents a class of people whose values are antithetical to the dominate social group. This will create the necessary conflict which will, in the minds of Marxists, inevitably push society towards full communism.

The feminist movement, in it’s epic struggle for total equality between the sexes, has completely destroyed what it means to be equal by forcing the idea that men and women are the same onto society. Marx and Engels viewed marriage and the family from the same dogmatic precept that they viewed everything else. That there was no god and that mankind held no more special significance than any other animal. This is completely antithetical to the way most Americans view marriage.

Despite the changes we have endured, America still holds a Christian majority that wants the institution of marriage protected. The institute of marriage, according to our founding fathers, was unique in the sense that it best prepared individuals for responsible citizenship which is essential for self governance. While Marxists view marriage as a vehicle of oppression which subjugates women while protecting the interests of the patriarchy, the truth is that marriage protects both men and women equally while ensuring mutual interests are protected. The marriage represented equality in the sense that it was an agreement that both parties agreed to in the interest of raising children and forming a stronger community.

The feminist movement insists that men and women be treated as complete equals; however, this destroys the true character of women and suggests that they have no special characteristics which define womanhood. When it comes to the issue of raising children it would be difficult to argue that women do not possess a nurturing characteristic that is unique to motherhood while men bring different parenting skills necessary to child rearing. The point is that marriage represents true equality between the sexes because a true marriage brings men and women together into the forming of one union working together to achieve a common goal; a stronger, more responsible society. The feminist movement, deriving it’s origins from the radical left, has sought to destroy this union because they understood that the family was the bedrock of any self governing society and in order to get people to accept state control it must be destroyed. The attempts to redefine masculinity while psychologically neutering the American male are part of this agenda and unless some drastic reforms are made to higher education, they will continue to fill our students heads with mush.

Article reposted with permission from Western Free Press. Article by David Risselada.

The Washington Standard

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