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Immigrate, Emigrate, Migrate: What’s the Difference?

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Immigrate or emigrate or migrate – What’s the difference?  There is plenty of difference in these terms even though many might equate the three as similar.  However, it all stems from the point of view one is looking.  It is becoming very important to understand the difference in order to dissect what some politicians and news outlets are saying.  Likewise, understanding these terms and comparing the context in which the terms are used leads one to see the United Nations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) dictate the terminology being used.

Breitbart reported on House Speaker Paul Ryan’s position regarding pausing entry of Muslims into the united States because of the press conference held by Ryan on the plan by members of the House Republican Task Force on Reducing Regulatory Burdens.  It is part of Ryan’s “‘A Better Way’, a bold agenda to tackle some of our country’s biggest challenges.”

Ryan has made clear that his “bold” agenda does not include temporarily pausing Muslim migration into the United States. Ryan has repeatedly opposed pausing Muslim migration insisting, “that’s not who we are.” On Sunday, Ryan told CBS that he “obviously” continues to oppose Donald Trump’s call for a pause on Muslim migration. Ryan said:

“I obviously don’t support the Muslim ban, I do not think we should have a religious test on people who come into this country… because I believe in the First Amendment, I believe in religious freedom, I believe in religious liberty.” (The First Amendment has no bearing when talking about immigration.  Moreover, this nation can interject a religious test on people entering this nation since the Constitution does not prohibit it for immigration.)

More recently, a Breitbart article referred to the Muslim invasion of Europe as “Europe’s high-profile migrant crisis.”  The article is claiming that these people are basically  “displaced” or are “refugees.”  However, the term being used to describe all of these people is “migrant.”

Ryan is opposed to “pausing Muslim migration into the United States” according to the Breitbart report.  As we see from vocabulary.com, migrate refers to the actual “moving” of people or animals.  What the phrase “pausing Muslim migration into the United States” tells us is that Ryan is not opposed to Muslims “moving” into the United States.  The actual movement of people (migrate) is separate from entering a nation in order to permanently live – immigrate, which is discussed further down.

Normally, when someone thinks of “migrate,” one tends to focus on the movement from one area or region to another within the boundaries of a nation, such as individuals who summer in the north and winter in the south similar to birds that migrate vast distances seasonally.  The move does not have to be permanent but is more than a few days.  Moreover, it could be within a national border or across it since “migrate” only deals with the actual movement, not exit from or entry into a nation.

What is actually being said by Breitbart is Ryan supports the Hussein Soetoro administration in moving into the united States Muslims who are considered “refugees” without going through any immigration process.  Could it be that Breitbart believes Ryan is referring to “emigration” – Muslims exiting their native homeland?  Clearly not because the movement of Muslim individuals had a specific end point – the united States.

Emigrate is used when one is referring to departure, while immigrate is used when referring to arrival.  When looking at what is happening in Europe, the correct description is “emigrant Muslims (those exiting their native homeland) migrate (actual movement) to Europe but not all are immigrants (those who come to another country to live).”

Immigrate means to “come to another country to live.”  Trump is proposing a “ban” or pause to Muslim “immigration” and certainly does not support Muslim “migration” into the United States thereby bypassing the immigration process.   Nations establish immigration laws to determine who is to be “let in” or come to this country to live.  It is a provision to maintain sovereignty, avoiding large unfettered numbers of individuals migrating into a nation to commit insurrection.   Immigrate is used to refer to arrival.

Notice Breitbart didn’t indicate Ryan referred to “immigration,” signaling that the individuals are seeking to live in this nation and going through the legal process for entry, but “migration,” referencing only the movement.  One cannot say that “Muslim migration into the united States” is the same as “immigration.”  Yet, many individuals would assume Ryan meant “immigration.”

In the more recent article at Breitbart, one needs to take notice of the terminology being used.  “Migrant, refugee, asylum seekers,” and “displaced persons” are being used in place of illegal immigration, Muslim invasion, and any terminology inconsistent with the politically correct terms designated by the United Nations.

According to the United Nations’ own site, Breitbart’s usage of the terms is consistent with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

For UNESCO, immigration falls under a “form of migration.”  Let’s see how UNESCO looks at migration, immigration and emigration.

The term migrant can be understood as “any person who lives temporarily or permanently in a country where he or she was not born, and has acquired some significant social ties to this country.” However, this may be a too narrow definition when considering that, according to some states’ policies, a person can be considered as a migrant even when s/he is born in the country.

To be considered a migrant, the individual has to have “acquired some significant social ties to the country where they live temporarily or permanently.  However, some individuals would not consider anyone living in a nation permanently without going through the immigration process as a migrant.  With the UN declaring this definition “too narrow,” it was changed to suit the purpose of importing large numbers of individuals who have no ties to the nation or the communities in which the illegal aliens would enter.

The UN Convention on the Rights of Migrants defines a migrant worker as a “person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national.” From this a broader definition of migrants follows:

“The term ‘migrant’ in article 1.1 (a) should be understood as covering all cases where the decision to migrate is taken freely by the individual concerned, for reasons of ‘personal convenience’ and without intervention of an external compelling factor.”

As we see, migrants are those who make a choice to move and would not include refugees, displaced individuals or any others who are forced or compelled to leave their home for any reason.  And who is considered a migrant?  It is established and relayed by UNESCO.

The Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights has proposed that the following persons should be considered as migrants:

(a) Persons who are outside the territory of the State of which their are nationals or citizens, are not subject to its legal protection and are in the territory of another State;

(b) Persons who do not enjoy the general legal recognition of rights which is inherent in the granting by the host State of the status of refugee, naturalised person or of similar status;

(c) Persons who do not enjoy either general legal protection of their fundamental rights by virtue of diplomatic agreements, visas or other agreements.

So, the United Nations through UNESCO is attempting to intermingle emigrants, immigrants, and illegal alien invaders under the global term of “migrant.”  One could surmise the purpose for this is to indoctrinate citizens of individual nations to think in global terms, viewing the world without sovereign national boundaries.  The United Nations does not address the “exit” or emigrate nor the “entry” or immigrate regarding nations.  Likewise, most individuals think of migrants as temporary occupiers of an area, who then move again, by choice, due to compelling external factors – weather, seasonal work opportunities, etc. – where the individual could be a citizen of that nation or a foreign worker.  In the United States, many individuals do not consider people who are in this nation without going through the immigration process as migrants.  Likewise, individuals being imported by the Hussein Soetoro administration from Middle Eastern and African nations are not considered “refugees” by many citizens.  Many citizens consider these types of individuals as illegal alien invaders.

Now, why has the definition of “migrant” changed?  UNESCO explains:

This broad definition of migrants reflects the current difficulty in distinguishing between migrants who leave their countries because of political persecution, conflicts, economic problems, environmental degradation or a combination of these reasons and those who do so in search of conditions of survival or well-being that does not exist in their place of origin. It also attempts to define migrant population in a way that takes new situations into consideration.

Remember, migrate deals with strictly the limited scope of movement, absent the exit, emigrate, or entry, immigrate.  So, what exactly is the UN doing here?  Simple, redefine the terms of migrant and migration to eliminate the designations of emigrant and immigrant to erode the national boundaries of sovereign countries to implement its agenda.  UNESCO indicates this clearly here.

Turning to the concept of migration, it is the crossing of the boundary of a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period of time. It includes the movement of refugees, displaced persons, uprooted people as well as economic migrants. Internal migration refers to a move from one area (a province, district or municipality) to another within one country. International migration is a territorial relocation of people between nation-states. Two forms of relocation can be excluded from this broad definition: first, a territorial movement which does not lead to any change in ties of social membership and therefore remains largely inconsequential both for the individual and for the society at the points of origin and destination, such as tourism; second, a relocation in which the individuals or the groups concerned are purely passive objects rather than active agents of the movement, such as organised transfer of refugees from states of origins to a safe haven.

Notice the “concept of migration” does not address a maximum amount of time nor does it refer to crossing the borders of another nation, but “crossing the boundary of a political or administrative unit….”  Naturally, there are exclusions.  From the reading, it appears that the importation of these illegal alien invaders into a “safe haven,” aka another nation, is excluded as a migration.  But, migration deals only with movement.  When talking entry into another nation, aka “safe haven,” to live even temporarily or permanently, it becomes immigration governed by the laws of the country in which the individuals enter.

UNESCO defines the dominant forms of migration according to the motives (economic, family reunion, refugees) or legal status (irregular migration, controlled emigration/immigration, free immigration/emigration).  Because world nations have differing definitions for categories of individuals moving into the nations, the UN adopted “standardized” categories identifying “international migrants” since it views the varying nations as having “no objective definition of migration.”

See how the play on word works?  The UN categories of international migrants follows.

  • Temporary labour migrants (also known as guest workers or overseas contract workers): people who migrate for a limited period of time in order to take up employment and send money home.
  • Highly skilled and business migrants: people with qualifications as managers, executives, professionals, technicians or similar, who move within the internal labour markets of trans-national corporations and international organisations, or who seek employment through international labour markets for scarce skills. Many countries welcome such migrants and have special ‘skilled and business migration’ programmes to encourage them to come.
  • Irregular migrants (or undocumented / illegal migrants): people who enter a country, usually in search of employment, without the necessary documents and permits.
  • Forced migration: in a broader sense, this includes not only refugees and asylum seekers but also people forced to move due to external factors, such as environmental catastrophes or development projects. This form of migration has similar characteristics to displacement.
  • Family members (or family reunion / family reunification migrants): people sharing family ties joining people who have already entered an immigration country under one of the above mentioned categories. Many countries recognise in principle the right to family reunion for legal migrants. Other countries, especially those with contract labour systems, deny the right to family reunion.
  • Return migrants: people who return to their countries of origin after a period in another country.4

Migration is an important factor in the erosion of traditional boundaries between languages, cultures, ethnic group, and nation-states. Even those who do not migrate are affected by movements of people in or out of their communities, and by the resulting changes. Migration is not a single act of crossing a border, but rather a lifelong process that affects all aspects of the lives of those involved.

This speaks volumes.  When did this nation cede its sovereignty and government to UN control?  When did any world nation do that?  Never.  But, with the terms being intermingled by news outlets and politicians, one would think the federal government and other nations have.

The UN has gotten completely out of control.  Established to prevent conflicts and wars between multiple nations, the UN has failed miserably to succeed in that venue.  However, it has succeeded in buckling sovereign nations to the whim of the United States and the free world.  Unfortunately, the UN has its sights set to bring down our nation, folding it into the “sheep” farm, and becoming the world government body.  Worse still, our own federal government is complicit in helping to destroy this nation for the upcoming “new world order.”

The UN has become an organization dedicated to making communist, socialist, tyrannical dictatorships, despotic monarchies, Islam dominated governments, pseudo-democracies, pseudo-republics, and tyrannical despotic dictatorships “feel good” by placing representatives from these cesspools into positions of pseudo-authority.

It is long past time for the united States to leave the United Nations, stop our monetary support of the “mafia-like” organization and kick it out of this nation.  Better yet, the UN should be dissolved since it is a dangerous entity intent on eroding the sovereign nations of the world.  One needs no further example than the Muslim invasion of Europe and the importation of Muslims into the United States without any entry via a nation’s immigration system.

This is precisely why it is important to understand migrate, immigrate, and emigrate or the terms become merged into one – migrate – thereby negating the exit or formal exit from a home nation and formal entry into another.  To be perfectly honest, I am sick and tired of the meanings of words being convoluted to suit a political agenda, political correctness, and appease the United Nations and illegal alien invaders.  Moreover, I am sick and tired of bowing to the UN and appeasing Muslims and Muslim Nations.  It’s time to grow a spine and take care of business or face the destruction of freedom, liberty, and all aspects upon which this nation was founded.  As a reminder, there is nowhere for US emigrants to migrate in order to immigrate and be truly free.

The Washington Standard

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