Search Result for “Ben Bernanke ”
Jail the Banksters? Bernanke Now Claims “Wall Street Execs Should’ve Been Held Accountable”
It is not uncommon to hear people in the streets, on blogs, or on talk radio arguing that the gangs of Wall Street should have been jailed — or even hung — for their crimes against the American people. But to hear that kind of talk from a former Federal …
The American Tradition Of Abolishing Central Banks
The United States abolished its first three central banks, and this was followed by a period of immense economic growth. End the Fed? We did it before and can do it again. In discussing the Mises Institute’s June 24th full-page Wall Street Journal ad entitled “Who Needs the Fed?” on talk radio …
The American Tradition of Abolishing Central Banks
In discussing the Mises Institute’s June 24th full-page Wall Street Journal ad entitled “Who Needs the Fed?” on talk radio recently most of the interviewers naturally expressed skepticism over whether the Fed could ever actually be abolished and a gold-and-silver standard reinstituted. It reminded me of something Murray Rothbard said about this. …
Are the Fed and ECB Different? In What Key Way Are they Alike?
The ECB is signaling more rate hikes. The Fed has paused and the next move appears to be lower. But does that make the Fed and ECB different? Are the Fed and ECB Different? This may surprise you, but the Fed and ECB are no different. Pause now, top see …
Real Money Vs. Fake Money (Video)
It’s too bad simple lessons are not taught like this one to everyone and yet, I’d venture to say that most people in the united States don’t understand basic economics, let alone what is real money and what is fake money. However, this young lady shows you the difference in …
Destroy the Economy, Win a Nobel Prize
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is a 2022 recipient of the Nobel Prize in economics for his writings on how government should respond to bank failures. Honoring Bernanke for his advice on what government should do when banks fail is like giving a fire safety award to an arsonist. …
To Save Stock Market, Federal Reserve Threatens Destruction Of Trillions In Middle-Class Retirement
The one thing overlooked by people who claim the US has had a great economy, including President Donald Trump, is the fact that it is all based on debt, and when you have a debt-based economy, it is never “great.” It’s a curse (Proverbs 22:7; Deuteronomy 28:15,43,44; Proverbs 17:18). Sadly, …
The Final Step Before The “Great Reset”: Economic War With China
China has been at the forefront in the news during the Trump administration and for good reason, but not really due to the scamdemic, but rather the trade war that has gone on between the US and China. Is this the final step before the promised “Great Reset”? Brandon Smith …
Milton Friedman: The Forgotten History of the Godfather of Conservative Libertarianism
“I would like to say to Milton and Anna [co-author of A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960]: Regarding the Great Depression. You’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.” Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, acknowledging the central bank’s role in …
Federal Reserve Perpetuates Myth Everything Is Fine As US Steel Plants Are Going Idle
Even though there is a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary, the Federal Reserve continues to insist that the U.S. economy is in good shape. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell told the nation that “the economy has performed relatively well” in 2019 and he insisted that “the baseline outlook …