Search Result for “Black Lives Matter”

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Faces Scrutiny Over Payments to Insiders
BLM, A Marxist hellhole of a group, saw its founders get wealthy as they used their rank and file for violence. The Deep State was in total control the whole time as their test run for a color revolution The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF), a leading organization …

Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Group Must Pay $1.03 Million For Burning ‘Black Lives Matter’ Sign
A Clinton appointed judge has ruled that The Proud Boys organization must pay more than $1 million for burning a Black Lives matter banner. The judge said that replacing the sign will only cost $36,626.78. “But compensatory damages alone will not address the defendants’ reprehensible conduct or the extraordinary emotional …

Black Lives Matter, Think Again – Subversive Leadership Is Inciting Americans Against Them
“These ‘Useful Idiots’ do not realize that they are being used as a political battering ram to turn, in the end, the people against them.” Like so many of these modern-day civil rights leaders of the day such as Colin Kaepernick, Jess Jackson, Al Sharpton, Oprah Winfrey, you would think …

Ammon Bundy On Black Lives Matter & The Balkanization Of The American People
Ammon Bundy knows what it is like to be targeted by the federal government. He knows what it is to be at the center of controversy and literally in the sights of tyrants and their agents in government. Recently, he was at the center of a controversy surrounding Black Lives …

When Black Lives Matter Means Profiting from African Child Slavery
It was a cold December day in Washington D.C. and Neal Katyal, Obama’s Solicitor General, was arguing with Justice Clarence Thomas, the great-grandson of a freed slave, about slavery. Katyal was representing Nestle, the American subsidiary of a Swiss multinational, being sued by freed African child slaves for profiting from …

Portland Mayor Asks DOJ to Allow Black Lives Matter Thugs to Assault Cops
You can at least, on some level, respect an actual radical as a worthwhile enemy. But the Democrat cutouts for the radicals are pathetic and despicable figures, weak and dishonest, lying to us and to themselves at the same time, and the first to fall once the extremists they prop …

Black Lives Matter Leaders Support Violent Riots, Biden Won’t Condemn Them
After the recent toll of mostly peaceful Black Lives Matter rioting wrecked cities and tilted the polls toward Trump, Joe Biden and even Kamala Harris began condemning “violence”. Biden has said meaningless things like “we condemn the violence”, and “I condemn this violence unequivocally” as if violence were an independent …

Actor/Model/Black Lives Matter Leader Stole $200,000
Will there be any protest rallies for Sir Maejor Page aka Tyree Conyers-Page, an actor/activist/model over his unfair arrest for allegedly looting reparations money to buy suits? Sir Maejor Page, 32, was arrested Friday after authorities said he used donations for the social justice movement on tailored suits, guns and a home in Ohio. He …

No Black Official Is Radical Enough For Black Lives Matter: Black Mayors &L Police Chiefs are Being Accused of White Supremacy
“I would have so much more respect for the Bail Fund if they had bailed him out and then let him stay in one of their homes,” Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins blasted the Massachusetts Bail Fund (MBF). A statement from a DA blasting the MBF for freeing a …

Black Lives Matter Led to Record Number of Mass Shootings
Three Democrat cities will account for 5,000 shootings. Even as gun violence breaks records in New York City, Chicago, and Philly, the Democrats don’t have much to say about the epidemic of shootings or their pet cause, gun control. While activist Democrat prosecutors like Attorney General Letitia James have neglected to …