Search Result for “Ebola”

More Mind Control As Ebola Lockdowns Begin
Is a new outbreak of the Ebola virus about to cause widespread panic all over the globe? The Zaire strain of the disease is fairly common, and in recent years scientists have developed effective treatments for it. Unfortunately, the new outbreak that has just erupted in Uganda is of the …

Perpetual Fear Promoted: COVID Exit Stage Left – Que Ebola
As the COVID-19 panic wanes and people tire of the relentless fear-mongering in the mainstream media, a new scare tactic is being used, but this time, it could be serious. Ebola is back and the United States is officially monitoring at least 86 people for Ebola. Never let a good …

Coincidentally, CDC Issues “Health Advisory” On Ebola Rapid Test and FDA Approves New Ebola Vaccine
In an interesting coincidence, the CDC has issued an advisory on the use of an Ebola rapid diagnostic test only 3 days before the announcement of a new FDA-approved Ebola vaccine with a “100% effectiveness” rate. The health advisory The CDC has issued a health advisory for the use of …

Here’s How Easily an Epidemic Like Ebola Can Turn Into a Pandemic
Remember the soothing words of the World Health Organization about the Ebola outbreak in the Congo? Don’t worry, they said. It’s in a remote village that doesn’t even have real roads, they said. Except, the problem is, now people are fleeing from that village in fear of the virus. Buy …

Ebola Spreading: Infections Up 800% In Last Week: Officials Race To Track Down 400 Possible Contacts
Last week three suspected Ebola infections were detected in a remote region of the Congo. Since then, World Health Organization officials have been scrambling to contain the virus. Their efforts appear to have failed. The contagion continues to spread, and though it’s nowhere near the 11,000 people who were infected …

EBOLA IS BACK: World Health Organization Declares Epidemic: “Taking It Very Seriously”
The World Health Organization has declared an Ebola epidemic in the North East region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. At least three deaths have thus far been linked to the virus: One of those killed had tested positive for Ebola after coming down with a hemorrhagic fever last month …

CDC Covered Up “Catastrophic Failures”: At Level-4 Biosafety Labs Containing Ebola and Smallpox
How safe are the government’s BSL-4 labs containing some of the world’s most deadly pathogens? Turns out, not anywhere near as safe as you’d hope. In fact, there is more reason than ever to think that things could play out like the plot of an unsettling pandemic movie – where, …

New Ebola Cases Surface in “Ebola Free” Liberia: “The Threat Remains”
The threat from ebola remains quite real, and there is legitimate concern over whether or not the world’s health experts are really capable of containing it. The West African nation of Liberia has once again been reminded that it must remain vigilant and mindful of the terrible power that ebola …

Gaza 2035: Trump, The WEF & The Abraham Accords – They’re All Pointing To Global Government
President Trump made headlines when he abruptly announced the United States would “take over the Gaza strip” and “own it”. After cleaning up the devastation, he proposed an “economic development” that would create the “Riviera of the Middle East”. During the announcement Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu gave President Trump …

Biden Grants Blanket Pardon to Anthony Fauci
In the final hours of his position as head tyrant of the United States, Joe Biden gave Dr. Anthony Fauci a blanket pardon for crimes he has yet to be charged with. Fauci has been accused in the court of public opinion of reducing the COVID-19 scamdemic to a starting …