Search Result for “australia”

And this is why the People must awake, rise up and deliver justice against these tyrants, who sell their own people out for filthy lucre!  Yet, an Australian judge, who dismissed a COVID shot lawsuit concealed that Pfizer paid her to represent them. Rebekah Barnett reports: The impartiality of the …
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They’re not afraid of Islamic terrorism, they’re afraid of people finding out about Islamic terrorism. News reports about Islamic terrorist attacks are awkward. Videos even more so. Governments aren't afraid of Islamic terrorism they're afraid their people finding out about Islamic terrorism that's why the Australian government is trying to …
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A knife-wielding man went on a stabbing rampage in a crowded shopping mall in Sydney, Australia on Saturday afternoon. He reportedly stabbed fourteen people, including a baby, and seven people are dead as of this writing. The public, however, need not be concerned, because police are saying the usual things …
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What comes after LGBTQIA+ in the rainbow alphabet being taught to captive children? Many critics of the movement assumed it would be P for pederasty and pedophilia, and in some places, it is. But in Australia, it seems that “B” might be the next letter added to the ever-longer list …
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The land down under is rapidly approaching the full implantation of digital IDs, paving the way for central bank digital currencies. Here is why this is bad and what it means for you. Digital IDs were just approved in the Australian Senate and will be coming soon to the U.S. as part …
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Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts appeared with me on The Sons of Liberty radio in May 2022 to talk about what was going on in Australia and how he was determined to bring every criminal involved in the CONvid-1984 in his country to justice.  In recent days, Roberts has called for …
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Well, there are a lot of people with fight still left in them.  The latest is a group of National Basketball league referees who were fired when their jobs were threatened by wanna-be tyrants who demanded they take the experimental, COVID shot. Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. has the story at The …
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If this is not telling, I don’t know what is… Australia claims that they have now found a solution to “vaccine hesitancy.”  And what is their solution?  Offering those willing to take the experimental COVID shot a free funeral card!  Nothing says safe and effective like giving you a free …
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Yes, it’s not hard to understand.  You’re called a conspiracy theorist, but give it time and the real conspiracies start to the surface to the point that no one can deny them.  The latest truth that has risen to the sunlight comes out of Australia, where researchers there have provided …
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Almost everyone in Australia is fully vaccinated with the COVID mRNA shots, and the country is still experiencing a spike in COVID-19 deaths. This wave of deaths began after the ruling class began forcing the “vaccines” on everyone. Over 84% of Australians are considered fully vaccinated.  On May 25, the Australian …
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