Search Result for “bernie sanders”

Bernie Sanders: Talk Inflation, Not Abortion
Talk about killing babies, not killing the economy. Back in the day, the Bernie Sanders pitch was to talk about class warfare, not identity politics. Bernie has since mostly backpedaled, embracing the worst of identity politics and making AOC and the Squad the heirs presumptive to his legacy. Some Bernie …

Bernie Sanders Joins Marxists to Launch ‘Progressive International’
Bernie Sanders, the most famous Marxist in Britain, and a former terrorist leader walk into a bar. What would you call the result? The Progressive International. First there was the Communist International, then the Labour and Socialist International, and now, about a century later, there is the Progressive International. All …

Bernie Sanders Brings On Terrorist Supporter As Senior Adviser
On September 1970, terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine hijacked four passenger planes headed for New York City. The Marxist terrorists separated Jewish passengers and took them hostage. The hijackings ushered in the age of modern airline security with x-ray machines and armed sky marshals, and the War …

Soviet Union Documents Reveal Plans To Exploit Bernie Sanders For ‘Propaganda’
Literally the definition of “tool.” Related: Sanders Was Manipulated by Soviets as Burlington Mayor, Documents Show | National Review Soviet Union Documents Reveal Plans To Exploit Bernie Sanders For ‘Propaganda’ By Chrissy Clark, The Federalist, March 6, 2020: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get …

Bernie Sanders’ America: A New Mini Series Highlights The Vision Of A Socialist President (Video)
The mask has been removed from Bernie and his “bros” to expose these individuals as rabid communists who pose a clear and present danger to our form of government and way of life. Despite Bernie’s praise for totalitarian Communist dictators, Bernie supporters behave more like the attendees of a Nuremberg …

11 Of The Most Outrageous Things Establishment Democrats Are Saying About Bernie Sanders To Deny Him The Nomination
The Democratic establishment has officially shifted into panic mode. In 2016, they watched a bold political outsider shred a divided field of establishment Republican candidates on his way to winning the White House. Now they have one and only one shot of denying Donald Trump a second term, and the …

The Bernie Sanders Rape Essay That Let’s His Female Supporters Know That He Thinks They Are Sluts
Not only did presidential candidate and all-around Socialist Bernie Sanders write a rape essay in which he claimed men fantasize about beating women up and women fantasize about being raped, but he defended it, along with writing about children being gang-raped. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your …

Pete Buttigieg Won Essay Contest in High School Defending Socialism & Hero Bernie Sanders
Buttigieg and Sanders seem to be neck and neck in the race for 2nd place. Funny how we now have two major parties: Republicans and Socialist Democrats. They need to just call themselves socialists and get the truth out. What??? Democrat Socialist House candidate: ‘If Billionaires didn’t exist Poverty wouldn’t …

Flashback — 1973: Communist Bernie Sanders Condemned American Actions in Vietnam as ‘Almost as Bad as Hitler’
Bernie Sanders is a dangerous man. His communist ideals are supported by too many Americans and that is beyond frightening. Let’s flash back to 1972, when Sanders was running for Governor of Vermont. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin …

Bernie Sanders & the True Nature of the State
I mostly try to avoid the counterproductive partisan nonsense between the two sides of the one-sided political system. Occasionally, however, extreme polarization and quibbling over minor issues by antagonistic factions—made hysterical by the echo chamber of political inanities and mental illness—results in revealing what one side would do to the …