Search Result for “clinton foundation”

On The Same Team: Donald Trump Donated To Harris & The Clinton Foundation
And no matter who you are supporting, they are playing you! Yep, it’s true, Donald Trump donated money to Kamala Harris and The Clinton Foundation. Do you really think he’s any different than them? Really? The Wall Street Journal reports: Before he was president, Donald Trump liked Kamala Harris enough …

DOJ Halted Clinton Foundation “Investigation” As FBI Destroyed All Evidence As Biden Took Office
What should we expect from an unlawfully created group of thugs such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Crimes, and crimes we have gotten just like every other unlawful alphabet agency. Now, it’s come to light that as Donald Trump left the White House, the Department of Justice put a …

Durham Report: Top FBI Gang Members Sabotaged Investigation Into Clinton Foundation
And like everything that comes out of this corrupt, unlawful agency, the corrupt government that instituted the Federal Bureau of Investigation will do nothing to bring justice. All of this is nothing more than another WWE Smackdown and the only ones losing are the People themselves that continue to think …

Dominion Confirms Clinton Foundation Donation, Former Pelosi Staffer Link
Pelosi Chief of Staff Nadeam Elshami “is part of a lobbying team representing Dominion.” How is this even remotely ethical? Is there not one honest Democrat in the whole of that cesspool? Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin B17 …

Federal Judge Drops Massive Bomb on Clinton Foundation, Reveals IRS Cover Up — Judge Blows Roof Off Protection Racket in Moynihan & Doyle $2.5 BILLION Case Against Clintons
A bombshell report was dropped today on the Thomas Paine podcast: A federal judge revealed Internal Revenue Service cover up concerning the Clinton Foundation and blew the lid off a protection racket in the Moynihan & Doyle $2.5 billion case against the Clintons. From True Pundit. Just as we reported …

The Real Russian Collusion: How The Russian Government Funneled Tens of Millions to The Clinton Foundation – While Hillary Was Secretary of State
Isn’t it funny how many times The Clintons seem to get caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar, WITHOUT consequence? This is American politics. Politicians, on BOTH sides of the aisle, are a protected class. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal …

Clinton Foundation Experiences Massive Drop In Revenue As Result Of 2016 Clinton Loss & Exposure Of Clinton Crimes
It looks like the Clintons continue to spend way beyond their means as the Clinton Foundation continues to lose revenue following her miserable defeat in 2016 and the exposing of her crimes, as well as the quid pro quos she engaged in while serving as Secretary of State. In fact, …

Donations To Clinton Foundation From Ukraine More Than Any Other Foreign Country
In a 15 year accounting of foreign donors, England donated 8.4 million and Saudi Arabia 7.3 million to The Clinton Foundation. Ukraine beat both of those countries. Ukraine? Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal patches Get your Vitamin B17 & Get 10% Off …

Arkansas Swamp Part II: Spotlight on Clinton Foundation
Are these investigations heading down a track that can only end at Clinton station, or perhaps the library?

Judicial Watch President to Congress: “Clinton Foundation Was Vehicle For Foreign Nationals & Foreign Governments To Influence Secretary Of State”
The only question that has to be asked now is, will President Donald Trump finally see that justice is brought against the Clintons in this matter, which he promised the American people he would do?