Search Result for “common core”

Think Common Core is dead? Think again! As we’ve been showing you, it’s still very much alive just in another name. In this episode of Rotten to the Core Wednesday, the Common Core Diva, Lynne Taylor, joins me to expound on the latest globalist agenda in education in the united …
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Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we’ve heard, down through the ages, many phrases about truth and freedom. Many times these two words are combined in what we read, see, and, hear. Other times the truth we’re told isn’t really the truth at all, but a manipulation with a hidden agenda lurking close …
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Why do people spend millions upon millions, of supporter money, to become President? According to Title 3 of the US Code, the US President “shall earn” a salary of  $400,000, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 nontaxable travel account, and $19,000 for entertainment. –Source Spending tens of millions of …
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Anti Fed Ed Warriors, no, I’ve not had my senses ‘fly the coop’.  But you may have ‘ruffled feathers’ by the end of this article. We know the CCSS Machine is a ‘rotten egg’ when it comes to education. We’ve seen that rottenness spill into our communities, even to the point of our churches.  We’ve spent years …
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Anti Fed Ed Warriors, you may wonder what sap (that gooey stuff found in certain types of trees) has to do with education? Well, that kind of sap doesn’t, but there is a ‘sap’ which directly applies to education. If you’ve not heard about it, there’s a new magazine from SAP (Student Achievement Partners) have loads of …
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Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we know Pearson Publishing is one of the WORST companies to be involved in education. However, besides PP, there are other really bad education (or so they claim) companies out there as well. Today’s article is all about some of the CCSS Machine’s latest ads which are meant to pull you into …
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To hear anyone connected to the CCSS Machine, you’d think they were saints they way they describe their quest to overreach into your homes. Most of these sell-outs believe they are doing ‘great work’ and therefore must be allowed to continue on in finding ways to undermine parents, control children, and, hold our tax dollars as ‘ransom’.
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The grants are from Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resilience in Education) (by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration).
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During a recent interview about life in communist Romania, Bill Muckler asked me a pointed question about the quality of education I received under a totalitarian system of government. Aside from absurd courses such as Scientific Socialism and Socialist Economics, courses which were aimed at legitimizing an otherwise disastrous economic …
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Whenever you let federal bureaucrats get their hands on anything they are probably going to ruin it.  During the Obama administration, the Department of Education spearheaded a transformation of American education that was absolutely breathtaking.  Over a period of about five years, Common Core standards were implemented in almost every …
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