Search Result for “dancing israelis”

Interview With NYPD Officer Who Arrested The “Dancing Israelis” On 9/11 & Radio Transmissions (Video)
Before February 2014, the New York City Police officer that arrested the “Dancing Israelis” had never spoken to the media about it, except for two 30-second cameo appearances in Internet videos from undetermined sources. However, he did grant a brief interview and though it’s quite interesting to hear him give …

The Dancing Israelis: The Forgotten Documented Element Of 9/11
On the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America, people will talk about Muslim jihadis, the inside job, the utterly impossible explanation by the government of how those buildings feel perfectly into their footprint and those who benefited the most from those attacks, while the American people have been …

The 9/11 Dancing Israelis: FOIA Documents Reveal 2 Were Mossad Agents & 2 Were IDF Members
Documents released through a Freedom of Information request reveals at least two members of the group were Mossad agents, others members of the IDF; the moving company they supposedly worked for was an intelligence front; the moving company van the Israelis used tested positive for explosives. Other suspicious items were found in this cut-out business van, including boxcutters and cash-stuffed socks.

The Forgotten 9/11 Cover-Up — The Five “Dancing Israelis”
The “Dancing Israelis” will probably be forgotten in the history books and their role may never be fully known.

Agent Provocateurs Exposed: Zionists That Sparked UCLA Violence Still Haven’t Been Arrested
Is anyone paying attention to what has been taking place on US college and university campuses over the past few weeks? It’s not organic, it’s manufactured. We’ve seen funding to certain, usual suspects, but now, it appears that Zionist agent provocateurs, just like Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty to …

A Reminder Of What 9/11 Was Truly About (Video)
Who actually gained something from 9/11? For one, the State of Israel gained the US’ involvement in the Middle East in Afghanistan, Iraq and to some extent Syria. However, in the US itself, it was the tyrants in DC and those who pull their strings behind the scenes who also …

This Woman Eradicated A Double Pfizer Shot From Her Body Doing This! (Video)
Gloria Sharlein joins me in this episode to tell how she took two of the Pfizer COVID shots, the second one made her so ill that she thought she would die. Facing high blood pressure, heart palpitations, heavy, uncontrolled menstrual bleeding and much more just hours after her second shot, …

Vitamin B17: The Creator’s Cancer Fighter That Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Know About (Video)
From Dr. John Richardson to G. Edward Griffin to Richardson’s son, John, the story of Vitamin B17, or laetrile, is bringing the knowledge of how to fight cancer God’s way to the world. John joins me in this information-packed episode as he tells how his apricot seed business is the …

VIDEOS: Was Hurricane Ian’s Destructive Path Aided by OUR OWN GOVERNMENT?
“Conspiracy Dean” is back folks. For those of you who aren’t familiar with my writings I am one of those people who constantly looks for answers. Here is a recent example: As of 2020 The Pakistani Government Was Still Implying That a Sandy Hook Victim Was Killed Again in Peshawar …

9/11 Truth Crash Course: 7 Documentaries You Need To See (Video)
We are now a generation after 9/11. Those who were children at that time are now full grown adults. Yet, many have continued to buy into the lie of the official narrative concerning 9/11. Why is this? Mainly, it is due to the Mockingbird media and continuous indoctrination in the …