Search Result for “deanna williams”

Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
What if you were raped? Then, because you couldn’t get justice via a criminal case, you chose to sue in civil court only to have your attorney have a meltdown and leave you stranded in the courtroom. To make matter worse, once you hired new attornies who assumed the previous costs and actually got a confession and settlement on your behalf, the previous meltdown attorney wants to sue you, but then a judge allows him to sell his right to sue you to another attorney for profit and that attorney wants you jailed for contempt of court? In all of this, your settlement payments are being stolen by another attorney. Sounds bizarre? Sound like it couldn’t happen in America?

Why is Michael Avenatti’s Indictment For Ripping Off A Porn Star National News, But This Story Involving Gloria Allred Faces Blackout?
Why is the story of Deanna Williams not national news?

Florida Corruption: What’s Been Allowed In Lee County Under The Watchful Eye Of Sunshine State’s Governors
If you have been following my ongoing investigative series concerning Lee County, Florida, Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno and Florida citizen Deanna Williams, then you know there is a ton of corruption in Lee County. From its judges to its attorneys and other attorneys in the state, to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to the governor’s office.

Rape Victim Claims Gloria Allred Failed To Honor Agreement – Now She Faces Threats Of Arrest & Judgments Of Over $1 Million
Deanna Williams believes attorney Gloria Allred has failed to honor their agreement.

Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
Deanna Williams has been threatened with arrest within the next 24 hours if she does not comply with a deposition with the attorney who bought the “right to sue” her, but according to Williams, she has attempted to contact this attorney to establish a deposition twelve times without a response.

And Here It Comes: After Gaetz Exits AG Nomination, Trump Picks Corrupt Pam Bondi To Replace Him
Anyone paying attention knew that Matt Gaetz has been nothing but a hot air machine and wouldn’t have really been of any use in the Attorney General position. However, after he withdrew his name from nomination, Trump gave the thumbs up to former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi despite the …

Child Abuse Advocate & Attorney Who Took Advantage Of Rape Victim Caught With Pants Down Looking At Child Porn In Bed
For the better part of 2019 and 2020, I reported on corruption in Lee County Florida, which stemmed from a rape settlement to Deanna Williams. Williams had hundreds of thousands of dollars stolen from her by her attorneys and given to an attorney that she never hired due to Dolce …

Exhibit A Against Continuing To Promote Ron DeSantis For Office: Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno (Video)
In a recent report out of South Florida, Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno is using rhetoric unbecoming a sheriff or anyone in public office as he refers to people who have not been convicted of a crime and in which the public knows virtually anything about them as “oxygen stealers” …

Is Florida Governor Ron Desantis Engaged In Corruption To Cover For Criminal Lee County Sheriff?
On Friday, the Florida Ethics Commission demonstrated that they are just a corrupt as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement when it comes to actually providing any serious investigation into the ethics violations of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno. A secret meeting was held and even before the meeting began …

Former Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel Lied On FDLE Application Similar To Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno – No Justice Brought In Either Case
I haven’t written on Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno in some months as we are awaiting the verdict of the Florida Commission on Ethics’ report, but it’s clear that Florida Department of Law Enforcement whitewashed his crimes against the people of Florida in his perjury and ethics violations and they …