Search Result for “drugs shootings”

California Shooter Likely Prescribed Drugs by the VA that are Tied to Most Mass Shootings
The Marine veteran who murdered 12 people in California this week had PTSD and was likely prescribed medications tied to most mass shootings.

Mass Shootings & Psychiatric Drugs: The Connection You’re Not Being Told About
The response to the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida has been call after call for tougher gun laws, but seems to ignore the issues once again surrounding antidepressants.

Vermont Resettled Somalis – Shootings Are Up 185%
As illegal aliens are allowed into the country, they often bring their culture with them which is not rooted in the Bible or the Constitution. Thus, instead of assimilating into American culture, they step in and begin to assault the people and violate the laws established in this country. The …

The Increasing Frequency of Mass Shootings: The Disturbing Possibilities
Another shooting in Texas. How is this even possible? How is it that so many people are losing their minds and committing these atrocious mass murders? Are we witnessing a breakdown of the human psyche? Are people really snapping to the point where they can’t control their behavior, and feel the …

Lawless, Thieving Cops Steal Innocent Retired Marine’s Life Savings Of $86,000 Because It “Smelled Like Drugs” (Video)
Stephen Lara dedicated 20 years of his life to serving this country as a United States Marine. This father of two served two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, risking his life to protect a political system only to be chewed up and spit out by that very system when he …

Cities That Reduced Arrests For Victimless Crimes Saw Fewer Police Shootings – No Spike In Crime
As TFTP reported last month, president Joe Biden has doubled the budget for the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (or COPS Office). For the last several years, under the Trump presidency, this funding has remained consistently around $380 million. But now we live in Biden’s “domestic terror” police state and things are …

If It Bleeds It Leads: How American Media Perpetuates & Profits from Mass Shootings
“I have repeatedly told CNN and our other media the following if you don’t want to propagate more mass murders: Don’t start the story with sirens blaring. Don’t have photos of the killer. Don’t make it 24/7 coverage. Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead …

Prescription For Violence: The Corresponding Rise of Antidepressants, SSRIs & Mass Shootings
Federal agencies in the hands of big pharmaceutical companies, and politicians using gun control to give a false hope to the American people, distracts them from the real cause of the current state of the nation and the frequency of mass shootings.

Whoa! State-Controlled NPR: 66 Percent Of School Shootings In 2015-16 Never Happened!
As Hogg and other gun confiscators want to use school shootings or the latest shooting at the Madden Championship in Florida to attack the rights of the people, it’s encouraging that someone on the NPR side of things is correcting the issue for the better and pointing out that things are just not what they have been portrayed to be in our media or our government.

CONFIRMED: Florida Shooter Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Violent and Suicidal Behavior
The 24-year-old who killed two and wounded 10 others after losing a video game this weekend had taken psychiatric medication linked to suicide and violence.