Search Result for “eugenics”

Sadly, America’s recent history over the past 100 years or so has been riddled with eugenics programs and Nazi-style cruelties towards a variety of people in our society.  It never left the soil, but is gaining more and more ground under the banner of “healthcare” and “science”.  What will that …
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Eugenics has been alive and well in the world for a very long time, and yes, it’s been alive and well in the united States despite what some might say to the contrary.  Who is behind it and what should be done to them?  Are they not attacking the very …
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Nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani joins me in this episode of The Sons of Liberty to educate on genomics, eugenics and the development of CRISPR. While many believe these things only existed in a time past, the reality is that they are taking place today in a variety of Western …
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We have done a lot of reporting on eugenics, which continues in the US, by the way.  It comes in a variety of forms, but now we are seeing how men have been targeted through a variety of means, and there is no doubt that this is an attempt to …
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Eventually, all these propaganda outlets tell you how sinister and wicked they truly have become.  The Atlantic has endorsed sterilization in a past article that has never been corrected and even stated, “A limited eugenics program is warranted.” Ethan Huff has the story at Natural News. How To Protect Yourself …
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The Health Ranger Mike Adams wrote a piece to remind us of history and how the Nazis never lost to the Allies. Rather they flourished in the US, South America and Antarctica continuing to push their demonic agenda, even as they are doing today while the Church of Jesus Christ …
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Former CBS Healthwatch reporter and author of The Matrix Revealed Jon Rappoport warned about this a while back, but is bringing it to remembrance that the new unleashing of dangerous poisons known as the experimental COVID injections, which are gene-altering shots, are opening up a gold mine for Big Pharma …
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There is no doubt that there are some sick minds in our world that contemplate the deaths of others while ignoring their own.  These people want to murder billions of the population under the guise of “depopulation.” What makes them any different from Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood or Bill …
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Before the coronavirus pandemic, the CDC was too busy fighting racism to do its job. As the vaccine rolls out, the CDC decided to build the vaccine waiting list around affirmative action Who gets to live or die? Much like in Nazi Germany, it helps to be a member of the right …
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Many people are waking up to what is going on concerning the hoax that is COVID-19/coronavirus.  I’m not saying that there is no such virus.  I’m saying the hoax is the propaganda being spread around faster and more deadlier than the actual virus is.  Now, many representatives from nations across …
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