Search Result for “gerald celente”
Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente Warns: Prepare For The Panic Of 2016: “History Will Remember This”
Earlier this week hedge fund manager Marin Katusa explained that up until the recent stock market hit all the easy money flowing into the energy sector was being exuberantly spent on hookers, blow and fancy toys. Now, as oil prices hover under $40 per barrel, Katusa said more pain is likely coming …
Gerald Celente: Stock Market Crash Will Happen By The End Of 2015
Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute has just gone on the record with a prediction that there will be a stock market crash by the end of this calendar year. If you are not familiar with Gerald Celente, he is one of the most highly respected trends forecasters in …
Scott Ritter: The Zionist Experiment Is Finished
From a strictly theological perspective—a theological perspective that is founded upon Christ’s New Covenant (NOT the false doctrines of premillennial dispensationalism)—it is an absolute certainty that Zionism (Christian or Jewish) is a devilish counterfeit designed to first deceive and second to enslave the minds and hearts of the evangelical Christians …
Vladimir Putin Is Reportedly Near Death As He Prepares The Largest Russian Military Offensive Since World War II
Will Vladimir Putin launch the largest military operation that the world has seen in decades in a desperate attempt to win the war in Ukraine before he dies? And if Russia does conduct such an offensive, how will the U.S. and Ukraine’s other western allies respond? U.S. financial support for …
Biden Follows Trump & Continues To Keep JFK Assassination Records Secret
Despite what anyone says, the assassination of John F. Kennedy is an issue that the American people deserve to have transparency on. The claims of national security to keep documents hidden can only mean one thing: members of our own government were involved. There is no other reason to make …
Out Of Control Inflation Eviscerating America’s Rapidly Shrinking Middle Class
I tried to warn you that the U.S. was going down the exact same path that Venezuela had already traveled. Once upon a time, Venezuela actually had a thriving middle class, but then a horrific inflation spiral came along and destroyed it. Thanks to hyperinflation, just about everyone in Venezuela became …
We Are In So Much Trouble
What we are witnessing is truly the beginning of the end. In recent months I have focused a lot on the economic implosion that is now taking place, but what we are facing is so much broader than that. Our society is literally falling to pieces all around us, and now World …
America Hasn’t Seen A Massive Surge In Unemployment Like This Before
The pace at which Americans are losing their jobs is absolutely breathtaking. According to the Wall Street Journal, the largest number of new claims for unemployment benefits ever recorded in a single week prior to this year was 695,000 during the week that ended October 2nd, 1982. So that means that …
Brace For Impact! US Economy Is Going Down – And Going Down Hard
I have so many bad economic numbers to share with you that I don’t even know where to start. I had anticipated that the U.S. economic slowdown would accelerate during the fourth quarter of 2019, and that is precisely what has happened. The Federal Reserve is trying to do all that …
2017 Has Been The Best Year For The Stock Market EVER
We have never seen a better year for stocks in all of U.S. history. Just five days after Donald Trump entered the White House, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit the 20,000 mark for the first time ever. On Monday, the Dow closed at 24,792.20, and there doesn’t seem to …