Search Result for “hillary clinton”

Nothing like a criminal rewarding other criminals and the only thing that would make it worth watching is for them to be brought to a swift and immediate justice while it’s going on.  However, it appears that Joe Biden, or the man playing Joe Biden, will be presenting a Nazi …
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Editor’s Note:  You may have forgotten but the only reason that Hillary Clinton continues to walk free among us and spew forth her antichrist, anti-American rhetoric is because Donald Trump failed to faithfully execute the laws of the land against her.  Instead, he told the American people they owed Hillary …
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Hillary Clinton has tried a lot of things over the years. Becoming president. Trying to join both NASA and the Marines. Landing at an airport while under fire. But mostly lying a lot. And that naturally led her to writing a lot of books. Hillary Clinton is the James Patterson …
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Well, this really isn’t a surprise, is it?  The “assassination attempt” (yeah right) followed closely behind presenting the next WWE contender with Trump, which was the former WWE contender who lost, but Trump told you that you owe her a debt of gratitude for her service instead of prosecuting her …
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Former UK Police Officer and Investigator Gary Waterman joins me in this third episode on the documents and links to a major bank fraud, child trafficking and adrenochrome. We’ll begin to see how it ties to events like 9/11 and individuals like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and at least one …
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Years ago, The Clinton Chronicles exposed the crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton while he was governor of Arkansas.  However, just prior to the 2008 elections,  a film titled Hillary: The Movie was banned by a panel of three judges and sadly, the supreme Court didn’t overturn the decision but …
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The Clintons are back in the game and meeting with foreign leaders on Biden’s behalf. In the fall, reporters commented that Biden’s numbers had entered Hillary Clinton territory in the polls. While Hillary Clinton’s numbers were bad then during the election campaign, they’ve gone up to 43% with a 36% disapproval. Biden …
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We no longer have a country when a highly partisan, corrupt judicial system sends people to prison for posting jokes. Freedom of speech is worth fighting for, worth dying for. Our once-great nation was founded on it, and it’s the hill we must die on. Freedom of speech is the …
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Well, I’m just wondering why the Convids don’t kill the people that are causing the most damage to the united States. Oh well. In any case, treasonous Hillary Clinton has now allegedly “tested positive,” yes I am putting all that in quotes as the PCR tests are completely bogus, for …
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Gone are the days when Lebanese billionaires, Qatari royalty, and the son-in-law of the former president of the Ukraine would shower the Clinton Foundation with gold. The crime ring originally co-created by Jeffrey Epstein now spends more moolah than it takes in. All that’s left for the Clintons to do is get …
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