Search Result for “moms demand action”

Moms Demands Action Will Share Responsibility For Government Actions In Virginia
It appears that Virginia may be the testing-ground State where upholding the God-given individual unalienable right to self-defense against a tyrannical government bent on removing the ability of the people to keep and bear arms. Gov. Ralph “Blackface” Northam has plenty of support in the echo chamber of the Virginia …

Pedo Joe Reverses Bathroom Policy – Unlawfully Demands Little Girls Share Bathrooms With Boys
The fact of the matter is that according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the federal government has no authority to be involved in education nor directing any policies regarding bathrooms, either public or private. Yet the child sniffer-in-chief believes he has such authority to demand parents get out of …

2A Group & Virginia Citizens Defense League File Emergency Injunction Against Governor: “Governor’s Action Is Illegitimate & Cannot Be Allowed To Stand”
Following the cowardly and tyrannical actions of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam do declare a “state of emergency” because he is propagandizing the people by saying “armed militia groups plan to storm the capitol,” Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) have filed an emergency injunction …

Soros, Bloomberg & Planned Parenthood Funding David Hogg’s Anti-Gun Student Protests
From Michael Bloomberg and the various lying organizations he sponsors, such as Everytown and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, to George Soros to baby murdering Planned Parenthood, the money pouring into Hogg to fund his Communist protest is not shocking in the least. It has been expected.

What Was Their First Clue? Poll Shows Most Voters Think Joe Biden’s Mental Decline Is Real
Three-plus years into Old Joe Biden’s disastrous performance as the ostensible president of the United States, he is giving us more evidence of his mental decline practically every time he makes a public appearance. To list all of his mental lapses, incomprehensible statements, and displays of cognitive vacancy would take …

Hypocritical, Criminal Minnesota State Senator Who Advocates Against The Right To Keep & Bear Arms BUSTED For Burglary
It’s interesting how criminals in government attack the law that guards our liberty and then violate the law against their neighbors. Exhibit A is Minnesota State Senator Nicole Mitchell, who has advocated against the Second Amendment. She was recently arrested for burglary. a CBS 12 reports:a DETROIT LAKES, Minn. (TND) …

Whitehouse Confirms Biden Looking to “Get the Job Done” With Executive Orders on Gun Measures
Well, this is what we have allowed presidents to do in violation of the Constitution for decades and it’s way past time we put a stop to it. China Joe Biden is just the latest example of using his pen to override both the Constitution and Congress to push for …

NRA Takes Aim At Bloomberg After Misleading Super Bowl Gun Ads
Michael Bloomberg doesn’t give up easily. That would be a good thing if he weren’t totally opposed to the right of the people to keep and bear arms. He paid lots of money to spread his propaganda at the Super Bowl. The NRA took notice. Here’s Gary with more… Buy All-American! …

Will Rabidly Anti-Gun, Nanny State Aficionado Michael Bloomberg Enter The Presidential Race?
In a last-ditch effort to save the Democratic party in the next election, former New York City Michael Bloomberg “is actively preparing to enter the Democratic presidential primary.” (source) It’s important to note that I’m not a fan of politicians in general, so rest assured, if you are a Democrat …

Kansas: Bullied 12-Year-Old Girl Arrested – Charged With Felony For Pointing A “Finger Gun” At Students
Overland Park, KS — A 12-year-old girl has recently found herself entangled within the police state after she made a poor, but innocent decision to shape her fingers like a gun and point them at students. Her case is now highlighting a serious problem within America’s educational system and the …