Search Result for “omar mateen”

SPLC Finally Admits Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen Wasn’t a Right-Wing Terrorist
Here is yet more indication that the SPLC can’t be trusted, despite the enemedia’s insistence that it can.

The US is “Killing Too Many Children” — Omar Mateen’s 911 Call Transcripts Released
Article first appeared at The Free Thought Project. (RT) — More of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s negotiations with police have been released. The transcripts shed some light on Mateen’s motivations for the June 12 killing and injuring of more than 100 people at Pulse, an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida. …

Omar Mateen Once Threatened To Kill His Classmates Because Pork Touched His Hamburger
Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen once threatened to massacre his classmates after a piece of juicy pork touched his hamburger by accident. Mateen burst into an outrage at a barbecue in the spring of 2007 after a piece of pork touched his hamburger. This barbecue was put on by an academy designed to …

Pulse Jihad Massacre Victim’s Mother: “[Noor Mateen] Knew Jihad Was Imminent”
Why aren’t the homosexuals marching? Too busy standing with terror-tied CAIR.

Court Reveals Orlando Shooter’s Father Worked for FBI, Allowing His Son to Carry Out Massacre
In a bombshell revelation, court documents revealed that the father of the Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, worked for the FBI and got his son out of an indictment that would’ve prevented the shooting.

An Afghan Muslim Refugee Carried Out America’s Worst Islamophobic Killings
Leftists import bigoted killers and blame “Islamophobia.” Diversity is our strength so it couldn’t have been too shocking that an Afghan Muslim refugee was responsible for America’s single worst Islamophobic killing spree. Much as another Afghan, Omar Mateen, brutally carried out the single largest massacre of gay people in America. …

U. of Michigan Prof Juan Cole: ‘Islam Wasn’t the Threat — Islamophobia Was’
Everyone knows by now that American universities are no longer institutions of higher learning, but indoctrination centers for the hard-Left. University of Michigan professor Juan Cole, a prominent writer on Islam-related issues and author of a whitewashed and hagiographical biography of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, proved that again Thursday …

Florida Man Converts to Islam, Starts Making ISIS Videos
I am not the renowned chronicler of all things Florida Man, Stephen Green, but it does seem as if Jonathan Guerra Blanco nevertheless deserves a place among the Florida Men, as he is among the first-ever jihad terrorists to join the hallowed ranks. (Omar Mateen, who murdered 49 people in the …

DHS Warns ‘Violent Extremists’ Seeking to ‘Exploit’ Coronavirus, But Don’t Worry: ‘We’re Here’
Editor’s Note: These are the same people that seem to be Johnny on the spot when an attack happens but seemingly unable to stop them. Us worry? Come on, with a track record like the Department of Homeland Security, who should be worried when they basically tell you what’s coming …

Deplatformed: How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert the Second Amendment
Anyone familiar with the Bible is familiar with the Mark of the Beast: Without this mark, no man may buy or sell. Regardless of one’s religious faith or lack thereof, there is an illustrative case in this biblical story: When one cannot buy or sell, one is metaphorically up the creek. Short of producing …