Search Result for “paul ryan”
Trump Goes Constitutional On Birthright Citizenship – Tells Paul Ryan He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About
Looks like President Trump is standing for the Constitution on this one and once again, Paul Ryan is outed once again as nothing more than a Republican in name only.
RINO Paul Ryan: Conservatives Have Embraced “Tribal Identity Politics”, Practicing Alinsky Tactics
Tribal identity politics? What is that exactly, Mr. Ryan? We are in the united States, not a third world country trying to unite several different nomadic peoples together under one nation and banner. But, if you are referring to the extreme splinter groups that sprang up under the usurper-in-chief Barack Hussein Soetoro Soebarkah, well, Mr. Ryan, reach across the aisle and talk to the Democrats. Divisiveness has been being sown since 2008 when an illegitimate, unqualified, identity thief, king wannabe occupied the White House for eight years.
Trump: I “Certainly Wouldn’t Sign” Paul Ryan’s Amnesty Bill
Trump’s rejection of the Ryan bill is based on his four pillars of immigration reform that is posted on the White House website.
Pelosi Less Popular Than Trump, Paul Ryan and the NRA
Things that are more popular than Nancy Pelosi, according to an NBC/Wall St. Journal poll, include the NRA, current Speaker Paul Ryan, even Donald Trump. Among all Americans, Donald Trump is far more liked than Nancy Pelosi.
Rand Paul is Right: Paul Ryan’s Bi-Partisan Budget Deal is a Disaster
“When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party. But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party.” -Senator Rand Paul
Did Paul Ryan Create a Sexist Dress Code?
Did Paul Ryan Create a Sexist Dress Code? The obvious short answer to that question is no. However, if you’re a liberal, the answer is yes, Paul Ryan did indeed make a sexist dress code. Oh my Lord, the fake feminists are here to complain…again, shocking I know! This time, …
Paul Ryan Helped Open the Gates to the Wolves!
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful… to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind.” –George Orwell This week, before jumping on the radio to now 80 affiliates in the United States alone as well as broadcasting into 53 other countries, I heard House Speaker Paul Ryan, …
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is Alluring, Funding and Protecting Illegals Regardless of Innocent Americans
“The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.” Remember the headline from December 17, 2015: Paul Ryan Hands Everything Obama Wants in $1 Trillion Omnibus Bill – Including Funding Refugee Plan and CISA (Proverbs 26:28)? It was reported that Paul Ryan’s first major legislative …
Paul Ryan Continues to Show His True Colors: Won’t Support Cuts to Muslim Immigration
Are any of you conservatives paying attention? This is the same guy I warned you about in 2012 along with liberal Mitt Romney and many of you did not listen. Are you listening now? The reason I ask is that not only did Ryan give away the farm to Obama …
Trump: Paul Ryan Won’t Be Speaker of the House
On Tuesday night, Fox News host Sean Hannity said that President-elect Donald Trump told him that Rep. Paul Ryan would not be Speaker of the House should he win the White House. “Paul Ryan is not going to be the Speaker of the House,” Hannity during a phone interview on …