Search Result for “pilot covid shot”

Another COVID Shot Death? Pilot Collapse From Cardiac Arrest & Dies On Toilet In Flight From Miami To Chile
A pilot aboard a Boeing 787 collapsed and died in the toilet while on a flight from Miami to Chile after he began feeling ill. Reports suggest he had cardiac arrest, and you can bet exactly what that was from, can’t you? in Australia reports: A pilot has collapsed …

Another Pilot Incapacitation – Causes Plane To Be Diverted – No Doubt, The COVID Experimental Shot Is Behind This
Well, more pilots are succumbing to what is clearly the result of trusting in the sorcerers at Big Pharma and their drug pimping accomplices in government and the Mockingbird media. The latest was a flight from Newcastle,EN (UK) to Las Palmas,CI (Spain). According to The Aviation Herald: Incident: TUI B738 …

Virginia: Pilot Suffers Cardiac Arrest At Airport – Effects Of The COVID Shot? (Video)
A pilot suffered a cardiac arrest at a Virginia airport. The obvious question, in light of so many pilots suffering cardiac arrests and dying, is was this the result of the experimental COVID shot? WJHG reports: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal …

Effects Of The COVID Shot? FAA Quietly Admits Pilots’ EKGs Are Not Normal (Video)
Well, this is not really news to those of us who have been warning and reporting on the deadliness of the experimental COVID shots, fraudulently referred to as “vaccines” and fraudulently presented as “safe and effective.” However, it is confirmation of what we have warned about repeatedly. The Federal Aviation …

Envoy Air Pilot Dies “Suddenly” – Pretty Sure It Was The COVID Shot (Video)
We know corporate fascists in the airlines went right along with the tyrants and bureaucrats dictates about forcing their employees to take the experimental shot. Reports are that a pilot with Envoy Air just died suddenly, and investigators are wondering why. I’m guessing it was that pesky experimental shot and …

Airline Pilot: Colleagues Are Dropping Like Flies With “Crushing Chest Pains” After COVID Shots (Video)
We’ve reported on how pilots who have taken the experimental COVID shots are in greater danger than anyone concerning the experimental shots given in the name of the CONvid-1984. Now, one pilot is speaking out about what he is seeing taking place among his fellow pilots and it is downright …

Following COVID Shot Rollout, US Pilot Deaths Increase By 1,750%
We have produced many reports on those who have died after taking the COVID shots. Several of those have been pilots. Now, a new report out indicates that in 2021, following the COVID shot rollout, there was a 1,750% increase in the deaths of pilots. Army Doctor Testifies: “In 1 …

WestJet Flight Diverted After Pilot Suffers Medical Emergency Requiring Defibrillator – COVID Shot Effects?
On Monday afternoon a WestJet flight was diverted back to Calgary after the pilots suffered a medical emergency, in which a defibrillator was rush out onto the scene. Army Doctor Testifies: “In 1 Morning I Had To Ground 3 Out Of 3 Pilots Due To ‘Vaccine’ Injuries” – Then I …

As Deadline Looms, 12,000 Air Force Personnel, Including Elite Pilots Have REJECTED COVID Shot Mandate!
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people in the united States, have rejected the lawless mandates by their employers to take an experimental shot into their bodies. Now, just ahead of an unlawful, alleged mandate by the “Biden” administration for the military, at least 12,000 Air Force personnel, including …

Army Doctor & Aerospace Medicine Specialist LTC. Theresa Long Calls On Pentagon To Ground ALL Pilots That Have Taken COVID Shots
Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, who is an Army Doctor and Aerospace Medicine Specialist, provided an affidavit in which she recommends the Secretary of Defense to ground all pilots that have received the COVID shots. US Military Has Set Date For Unlawful Mandatory COVID “Vaccination” – Soldiers Must Resist The Tyranny …