Search Result for “san bernardino shooting”

New Reports Expose San Bernardino Shooting Cover up – Guess Who It Implicates
Last Thursday, Philip Haney, a former Homeland Security investigator and now whistleblower, came forward to say that he could have more than likely prevented the San Bernardino jihad attacks if only the government had allowed him to do his job. On Tuesday this week, Michael Ware reported that Homeland Security …

Former NSA/CIA Contractor: “Craft Intl Mercenaries Carried out San Bernardino Shooting”
Yesterday, I reported on the fact that multiple outlets had reported three shooters in the San Bernardino massacre, including claims that they were white males. While we have been told that Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were the ones who were the killers, former National Security Agency/ Central Intelligence Agency …

Was A Pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian The Primary Target Of The San Bernardino Shootings?
Why is the mainstream media ignoring evidence that the primary reason why Sayed Farook and his wife went on a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California was because Farook wanted to get revenge on a pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian co-worker? 52-year-old Nicholas Thalasinos had worked alongside Farook as an …

Obama Calls For GUN CONTROL With Killers Still At Large in San Bernardino Shooting in GUN FREE ZONE
OBAMA: Never letting a good mass shooting go to waste….. He wastes no time. The body count isn’t even in. But Obama has a knee-jerk strategy for shootings — whether it’s Fort Hood, Garland, Texas, Chattanooga …. he politicizes them to push for the unthinkable — gun control. He calls …

From the Aurora Massacre to Uvalde, Examination into Mass Shootings Inconsistencies & Who May Be Responsible
There are many things that do not add up when it comes to the latest massacre at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, however the same can be said for most mass shootings here in the US. When examining previous massacres in the US since 2012, one discovers many things that …

Shredded Plans Show San Bernardino Jihadis Made Elaborate Plans for Their Massacre – Southern California News Group Still Finds Their Motive ‘Unclear’
It was revealed last Saturday, according to the Southern California News Group (SCNG), that a paper that had been fed into a shredder after the December 2, 2015 jihad massacre in San Bernardino, California has been “reassembled like a puzzle by federal investigators,” and reveals “the shooters’ planning for the siege that …

Why The Left Is Blaming Trump & Whites For New Zealand Shooting
The media and the Democrats are relentless in their efforts to destroy Trump and enslave us by taking away our freedoms. The children of the lie serve their father the devil, and it’s their nature to lie and destroy good. Christians must understand this and be bold in speech and action in defense of freedom and support for this president.

Apple Gives Deep State Access To Roger Stone’s iCloud Account – Refused To Violate Privacy of San Bernardino Jihad Terrorists
After touting defending the privacy rights of the San Bernardino jihad mass murderers, Apple turned on a dime and handed over access to all of Roger Stone’s data.

Yes, Senator Murphy, You are Responsible for a Mass Atrocity Greater Than All The School Shootings Put Together
Senator Murphy doesn’t tell you that he remains silent on the holocaust that is murdering upwards of 60 million of America’s children under the guise of being “pro-choice.” Do we hear Senator Murphy decrying this injustice? Nope, and yet, that is something that is clearly laid out in one of our founding documents as the premier right given to us by our Creator.

Second Shooter? Eyewitness Claims She Was With Florida School Shooting Suspect When She Heard Shots
Alexa Miednik claims that she was walking alongside Cruz when she heard shots coming from the hallway.