Autopsy Analysis of 2 Teen Boys Who Died Days After Second Pfizer Covid Shot
This is just more coals of judgment that is to be required of Pfizer, it’s CEO and those who continue to pimp out this poison, and I ask, when are the men, the militia, going to put a stop to it? A recent autopsy of two teen young men who died just days after taking their second Pfizer CONvid shot has been performed and demonstrates that the fraudulently referred to as “safe and effective” shot is causing myocaritis, something that we warned about since from before the shots were released.
Sharyl Attkisson has the story:
Autopsies were conducted on two teenage boys, one in Connecticut and one in Michigan, who died within a few days of their second dose of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. One boy had ADD and the other was obese. The post death examinations showed that both had “global myocardial injury.”
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We report the autopsy results, including microscopic myocardial findings, of 2 teenage boys who died within the first week after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose. The microscopic findings are not the alterations seen with typical myocarditis. This suggest a role for cytokine storm, which may occur with an excessive inflammatory response, as there also is a feedback loop between catecholamines and cytokines…The first week after the second vaccine dose was found to be the main risk window.”
The Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine published an analysis of results, Aug. 2022
Read the full analysis at the link below.
Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in 2 Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose
The conclusions of the autopsies also included the following:
The myocardial injury seen in these postvaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy. Understanding that these instances are different from typical myocarditis and that cytokine storm has a known feedback loop with catecholamines may help guide screening and therapy.
Myocarditis in adolescents (particularly teenage boys) has been reported following the second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.1–7 Since cardiac biopsies are rarely performed in these instances with clinically stable patients, the myocardial pathology has not been clearly elucidated.8 Myocarditis is rarely diagnosed at autopsy in deaths due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.9,10 The incidence of myocarditis, although low, has been shown to increase after the receipt of the BNT162b2 vaccine, particularly after the second dose among young male recipients.11 In addition, the first week after the second vaccine dose was found to be the main risk window.11 The clinical presentation of myocarditis after vaccination was usually mild.11
The fact that this continues shows the corruption of our government and its unconstitutional agencies, which means that the federal government needs to be dissolved. It also shows the lack of resolve among the men in our society to put an end to it, which is their constitutional and God-given duties, which is why they have rights in the first place!
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media