Home»US»Bill Gates Wants Another Shot At It: ‘I Worry We’re Making The Same Mistakes Again’

Bill Gates Wants Another Shot At It: ‘I Worry We’re Making The Same Mistakes Again’

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Bill Gates has already told us why he is behind “vaccines.”  He gets a huge return on his “investment,” largely with the People’s money stolen by their representatives and given to The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and he’s in the business of depopulation by using vaccines and “reproductive health.”  Now, he’s writing in The New York Times about how he believes people are making the same mistakes as before during the CONvid-1984 psyop and is calling on a global entity to be established to carry out his desires, namely the World Health Organization.

Gates writes, “We must prepare to fight disease outbreaks like we prepare to fight wildfires.”

Bill means “a well-funded system that is ready to spring into action the moment danger arises.”

He then claimed, “When the World Health Organization first described Covid-19 as a pandemic just over three years ago, it marked the culmination of a collective failure to prepare for pandemics, despite many warnings. And I worry that we’re making ‌‌the same mistakes again. The world hasn’t done as much to get ready for the next pandemic as I’d hoped. But ‌‌it’s not too late to stop history from repeating itself. The world needs a well-funded system that is ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice when danger emerges. ‌We need a fire department for pandemics.”

Actually, we don’t.  We just need people to watch what they eat and also look to building up their God-given immunity systems rather than trusting quacks like Gates and Fauci or the terrorist organizations of WHO, the FDA or the CDC to have their best interests at heart.  They don’t.

Gates supported WHO’s efforts to create a network of “senior leaders for health emergencies,” called the Global Health Emergencies Corps.

“This network of the world’s top health emergency leaders will work together to get ready for the next ‌‌pandemic,” Gates wrote.  “Just as firefighters run drills to practice responding to a fire, the Emergency Corps plans to run drills to practice for outbreaks. The exercises will make sure that everyone — governments, health care providers, emergency health workers — knows what to do when a potential outbreak emerges.”

He proposed this kind of organization in his book How to Prevent the Next Pandemic.

While Gates claims a pandemic is a “trillion dollar problem,” the reality is that we are not actually dealing with a pandemic.  We are dealing with a plandemic, and the fear propaganda to funnel those trillions into the hands of Big Pharma and their political and media pimps’ hands.

Gates also claims these “blazes,” as he refers to them are “rare.”  Yet, isn’t he the one and others already dropping hints of another plandemic right around the corner?

“The world must act now to ensure that Covid-19 becomes the last pandemic, and one of the biggest moves we can make is to support the world’s leading health experts – the WHO – and invest in the Global Health Emergency Corps so it can fulfill its full potential,” he wrote.

He’s living a pipe dream here, friends.  There’s no way in the world, he can do this, just no way.

However, in order to fulfill his fantasy, he claims it will require two things:

  • “public health leaders from all countries need to participate”
  • “wealthier countries to step up and provide funding to make this a reality”

So, we need force, that’s where “health leaders” from all countries fit in, and second we need to pillage the people by getting wealthy countries, whoever that is since we all know we’re dealing with fraudulent money, to steal the people’s money and give to Gates and his accomplices.

I have a better solution:  Let’s arrest Bill Gates on murder charges, and conspiracy to commit murder, arrest all those involved in the crimes of CONvid-1984 and put them through due process, find them guilty and execute them all publicly.  That will probably stop a lot of plandemics in the future, I have no doubt.  Apart from that, expect these “rare” plandemics to occur a lot more frequently.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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