Brain Freeze: Nancy Pelosi Demonstrates More Signs Of Mental Illness
In another stunning display of a woman who seems to be experiencing some sort of mental illness, not that her liberalism isn’t that already, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) not only didn’t seem to know what time of day she was in, but forgot the name of a special guest and stumbled all over simple words during a Friday press conference to talk about the “negative impacts of the Republican tax proposal.”
Kyle Olson at The American Mirror provides the video:
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“Is it still morning?” she can be seen mumbling to herself, and then responds accordingly… to herself, again, “Yeah.”
Pelosi as to introduce a special guest as well. According to a press release, the guest’s name was Susan Flashman, a retired union electrician.
Of course, you can read what her comments are supposed to be in the press release, but not only does she completely botch the name of Flashman by calling her “Suzanne Fleishmann,” but she can’t even remember why she had Flashman there in the first place.
After thanking Flashman, Pelosi added, “You’ve answered the question, ‘why.’
“Why would they take away this extraordinary medical, uh, uh, deduction, medical, extraordinary medical expenses,” she said.
Pelosi stumbled over other words like “permanently,” “microcephaly,” “Nabisco,” “incentives,” “giveaways” and “GOP bill,” which she referenced as “GOP pill.”
All of this was written out for her, yet she was consistently blundering what she was to say.
Olson said that “Pelosi appeared to suffer a brain freeze” when she was attempting to say the word “permanently.”
Perhaps she is having something happen to her similar to that of Hillary Clinton. While I don’t take any joy in what Pelosi may be suffering from, I do think it appropriate to ask whether she is fit to be in office. I could do so based solely on her anti-American and anti-Christian ideas, but it appears that she simply does not possess the mental faculties to represent the people of her district in a coherent way.
Then again, they did elect her, didn’t they?