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And what the Beto O’Rourke cover-up tells us about the media.

The media comes right alongside these events to demonize their political opponents in each and every instance.

American education is still 100% aligned to the UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), no matter what small portions of the US government have ‘left’ the UN/UNESCO.

You won’t believe some of the things that are causing “major stress” for young people in America today.

If the president makes such a foolish move he might find the current war cheerleaders in the Democrat Party changing their tune rather quickly. Let’s hope Trump changes his tune and returns to his promises of no more regime change wars.

Don’t just grab a seat in this movie theater – play a role in steering all of this for the betterment of mankind.

I recently ran across a short 7-minute video by a woman who goes by the YouTube handle, “The Pholosopher.”  She was quite good in pointing out three ways the state already goes about confiscating citizens’ guns and I thought it was worth your time to take a look and have …

If the Red Flag laws pass and become national it will virtually create a closed society where everyone will be suspect of everyone. People will no longer speak freely for fear of being labeled a potential extremist and having a Red Flag order placed against them. They will no longer seek help if they are experiencing mental duress for the same fear. The more people resist such unconstitutional actions the more people expressing patriotic sentiment will be viewed as extremists and a potential threat to themselves or others. Every time an event like the one in New Zealand occurs the more this narrative will develop.