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On Friday, Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent Ed Reinhold claimed that there was no indication that Chattanooga jihadist Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez was inspired by the Islamic State. OK, for those who don’t understand taqiyyah, please click here. I don’t have time to go over it again. It’s simply deception. …

In the wake of Thursday’s jihad attack on a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee that left four United States Marines dead, one Marine says he has had enough and has gone to social media to inform the Islamic State, “You wanted attention, and yesterday, you got it. Only, you …

In a completely Orwellian-style settlement, the Obama Department of (In) Justice announced a deal between the department and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which would require him to speak Spanish to the inmates incarcerated in his jail. But that’s not all. The Washington Times reports: The Justice Department announced a deal Friday …

The Obama Department of Justice attorney who threatened Americans with prosecution and imprisonment for speaking out against Islam has been placed in the lead position of investigating Thursday’s Islamic jihad attack in Chattanooga that left at least one officer wounded and four US Marines dead. Following his comments back in …

As gun ownership and the number of concealed carry permits have soared under President Obama, who has been dubbed history’s greatest gun salesman, new statistics show that the murder rate has dropped significantly during the same period. While the well-funded gun control lobby has attempted to an image of increased …

Katy Whelan, health reporter at The Common Sense Show, wrote earlier this week, “Death is part of life. It happens everyday, everywhere, in every manner. Multiple deaths of people associated with the same line of work is generally not enough to raise alarm bells in my book. When you see cluster …

Somehow by now, we all know that this was coming. Why? Because this administration, under the direction of Barack Hussein Obama’s mama, Valerie Jarrett, let us know that they would be taking the gloves off and here it comes just in time to ramp up more support for gun confiscation …

Recent leaked documents indicate that nearly one-third of veterans who were backlogged by the Obama Department of Veteran Affairs died while waiting for treatment. RT reports: A leaked document shows nearly one-third of the 847,000 veterans in the Department of Veteran Affairs’ backlog died while waiting for treatment, amounting to …

The attack on the South is orchestrated and contrived. There is no way that businesses like Amazon, to elected officials to open Marxists and racists such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (They aren’t for the advancement of anyone but Blacks) could be doing what they …

It is painfully obvious to me, and most of you who will read this article, that our government is not our government any longer. The incestuous relationship between those who wield power in America and the Global Banking Cabal has all but destroyed the very fabric of this once great …