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People can only cry conspiracy theory for so long before the facts smack them in the face. Everything reported above are actual events, funding, and even an arrest that took place. When will the world wake up and see that our land, our finances, our health, and our privacy have been at risk for decades by these vultures? Conspiracy theory no more.

A Florida cop had no idea he was on video when he made the decision to kick a handcuffed teen in the face as he lay helpless and incapacitated on the ground.

How long will it be before Hamas-linked CAIR starts demanding that books that criticize jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women, gays and others also be dropped by Amazon? And how long will it be before Amazon complies?

Citigroup is setting restrictions on the sale of firearms by its business customers, making it the first Wall Street bank to take a stance in the divisive nationwide gun control debate.

Haiti officials and elites have been making headlines for years when it comes to drug trafficking, but what happens when $10 billion dollars becomes a bit of a problem?

On Thursday, Rashida Tlaib co-authored an op-ed with John Bonifaz that appeared in The Detroit Free Press titled: “Now is the time to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump”. 

If the Muslim Community Patrol is not officially sanctioned by the NYPD, isn’t it subject to laws regarding impersonating a police officer? But would anyone dare risk charges of “Islamophobia” in Bill de Blasio’s New York by pursuing such an inquiry? Not on your life.

Family members and friends are continuing to call foul, claiming that their father would’ve never pulled a gun on police and was killed for open carrying.

34-year-old Casey King is so obese that he can’t work, he has to bathe outside in a trough like a pig, and he has to rely on his father to constantly take care of him. He now weighs more than 700 pounds, but he just keeps on eating massive amounts of unhealthy food. Just like America as a whole, he has absolutely no self-discipline and absolutely no desire to turn his life around.

Once you get into China, you might not be able to get out, and you could potentially end up as a pawn in an international chess game.