Catholic Joe Biden Wants to Force Pro-Lifers to Pay for Abortions
One of the most revolting aspects of the sinister corruptocrat Old Joe Biden’s carefully cultivated public persona as affable Lunchbucket Joe is his ostentatious false piety. “I go to Mass and I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting,” Biden claimed in a 2020 campaign ad, and the establishment media has pushed this nonsense as well.
“The new president,” the New York Times announced three days after Joe started pretending to be president, “elevates a liberal Catholicism that once seemed destined to fade away.” By “liberal Catholicism,” the Times means an ostentatious, external piety emptied of all its content and cynically designed to win Catholic votes, and the Biden regime has now underscored that fact by trying to force pro-lifers to pay for abortions. If that’s Catholicism, Joe, I’m Fidel Castro.
LifeNews reported Wednesday that the regime is planning to end the legal right to object on moral grounds to the “HHS mandate.” The “HHS mandate,” LifeNews explains, is “the term commonly used to refer to the requirement under Obamacare for employers to pay for abortifacients, contraceptives, and sterilization in their health insurance plans.” Now Biden’s handlers have made “a formal proposal to create a new regulation” that would “strip away the rights of organizations to refuse to comply with the HHS mandate because they have a moral objection to abortion, contraceptives, or sterilization.” Does this violate the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion? Of course. But they’ll get away with it unless and until the Supreme Court stops them. That could take a while.
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When the Obama regime first imposed the HHS mandate in 2013, it noted that religious groups were exempt; even then, however, “the exemption was so narrow that even some churches couldn’t qualify.” Pro-lifers challenged the mandate in courts and won a series of victories that secured their exemption from having to pay for abortions. Then the Trump administration put a rule in place that specifically protected religious groups from being harassed on the basis of the HHS mandate. Now, however, “the Biden proposal would rescind the Trump rule and force non-religious employers with only a moral objection to comply.”
Can you imagine the March for Life, one of the foremost pro-life organizations in the country, having to pay for abortions? Old Joe Biden can. LifeNews notes that March for Life “previously sued the Obama administration on the matter and won in a lower court before the case was mooted by the Trump rule.” But now Catholic Joe wants to strip away those protections. March for Life and every other pro-life organization in the country would find its tax dollars going to fund the national sacrifices to Moloch. That sure is living your faith, Joe!
Roger Severino, a Trump-era HHS official, explained what this initiative is all about: “It’s all politics. They have to answer to their radical pro-abortion base. They couldn’t stomach the fact that they have lost this issue at every stage at the Supreme Court, and they want to show that they are continuing to resist in the wake of the Dobbs ruling… This is a purely political stunt to try to send a message to institutions with moral objections to the sexual revolution.”
Yes, and that message is quite ominous. The Biden regime is working to restrict the freedom of speech (as we saw with its ill-fated Disinformation Governance Board and its pressure on Twitter to silence dissidents) and the right to bear arms; now it is trying to gut the freedom of religion as well.
All it would need to destroy that freedom utterly would be five compliant Supreme Court Justices. It doesn’t have them now and we can hope that it never will, but nevertheless, the Biden regime is without a doubt laying the foundation for the destruction of the right of citizens to dissent on religious grounds from the government’s soul- and life-destroying far-Left agenda.
Catholic Joe could end up going down in history as one of the foremost enemies of the right to life. This would be an odd legacy for such an ostentatiously Catholic president, and it exposes Old Joe once again as the inveterate liar that he is. In fact, the one certain thing amid all this is that a foremost aspect of the Biden legacy will be a series of tremendous advances and victories for the Father of Lies.
Article posted with permission from Robert Spencer