Home»Commentary»Dr. David Martin: They Are “Using The Word Vaccine To Sneak This Under Public Health Exemptions” – This Is NOT A Vaccine! (Video)

Dr. David Martin: They Are “Using The Word Vaccine To Sneak This Under Public Health Exemptions” – This Is NOT A Vaccine! (Video)

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“It is a medical device, not a drug!” -Dr. David Martin

Recently, a friend of mine took the time to send a program called “Focus on Fauci” in which they present a short expose on the long history of repeat criminal Anthony Fauci (Ephesians 4:14).

Throughout the video, they share with the viewers the actions of the unqualified Anthony Fauci, who has been wrongly labeled “America’s Doctor.”

Robert Kennedy Jr., Judy A Mikovitis, PhD, Rocco Galati, Sacha Stone, and Dr. David Martin do an outstanding job of exposing the actions of this fraudulent “criminal conspiracy” that is taking place on a global scale today (Jeremiah 11:9).

Do yourselves, your friends and your family members a loving favor by sharing with them the truth concerning the FDA, Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and this current administration and what it is that they mean to hide from your eyes and ears. Your lives may just depend upon it (Habakkuk 1:3-4).

At the 1:42:34 mark, Dr. Martin Explains that this “vaccine” being pushed on the people as a vaccine is not a vaccine at all.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

The Washington Standard

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