Fauci Then: Me Wearing A Mask After Vaccination Is Not “Theater” – Fauci Now: Yeah, It Was Theater
Dr. Anthony Fauci is a liar, plain and simple. Now, he’s been caught in a lie about those who have been vaccinated wearing a mask when he spoke to Congress and those vaccinated now who don’t really need one. Well, he’s admitting that all the while it was all theater.
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Take a look at the montage below. It’s clear that Fauci is a politician caught in the web of his own lies.
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“Before the CDC made the recommendation change, I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals,” explained Fauci during a CNBC appearance.
“But being a fully-vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting are extremely low and that’s the reason why in indoor settings now, I’m comfortable with not wearing a mask,” he continued.
In March, Sen. Rand Paul questioned Fauci for his demanding Americans wear masks even if they have been fully “vaccinated.”
Of course, Fauci said people should wear the mask whether they got the “vaccine” or not.
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Senator Paul asked, “You’ve got a vaccine and you’re wearing two masks. Isn’t that theater?”
“Let me state for the record that masks are not theater, masks are protective,” Fauci answered.
Clearly, it was!
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media