FBI Aware of “Numerous Cuban Spies Within the U.S. Government”
You would think this would be a bigger concern.
Recently a former ambassador who had spent 40 years spying for Cuba and considered America the enemy was finally busted.
In several meetings with an undercover FBI employee posing as a member of Cuban intelligence, Rocha repeatedly referred to the US as “the enemy” and praised Cuban revolutionary and politician Fidel Castro, according to court documents.
During their first meeting, Rocha allegedly told the undercover employee that the Cuban intelligence agency, called the Dirección General de Inteligencia, “asked me … to lead a normal life,” and said that he has “created the legend of a right-wing person.”
He allegedly added: “My number one concern; my number one priority was … any action on the part of Washington that would – would endanger the life of — of the leadership, or the — or the revolution itself.”
During another meeting several weeks later, Rocha allegedly described obtaining his State Department employment to the undercover employee, saying “I went little by little … It was a very meticulous process … very disciplined – but very disciplined.”
Rocha also allegedly boasted about his “decades” of work on behalf of the Cuban government, saying that it “strengthened the revolution” over “the last 40 years,” and lamented “the blows that the enemy,” allegedly referring to the US government, “has dealt to the current revolution.”
How many of these guys are there? Apparently a whole lot.
During the Montes investigation, the FBI had been tipped off to the presence of numerous Cuban spies within the U.S. government, but didn’t have enough information at the time to identify the others.
You would think that “numerous Cuban spies within the U.S. government” would be more of a priority.
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If you’re wondering who Montes is…
Former U.S. officials say the damage Rocha is accused of causing might be worse than the harm done by Cuba’s most successful spy, Ana Belén Montes. The senior Cuban analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency pleaded guilty to spying for Cuba in 2002 after working for the island’s intelligence service for 17 years. Known within the U.S. government as the “Queen of Cuba” for her dominance of Cuban issues, Montes was released from prison in 2023.
So between Rocha, who handled the U.S. interests section in Havana and Montes, U.S. policy to Cuba was effectively hijacked by… Cuba.
And there’s a whole lot more of these boys and girls behind the scenes. What are we doing about it? Not much. When what this seems to require is a major housecleaning operation while flagging anyone with politics that are potentially sympathetic to Cuba.
Or Marxism, Socialism and the Left.
The espionage affair of which Rocha is accused also echoes the case of a former State Department official and his wife. Walter Kendall Myers and his wife, Gwendolyn Steingraber Myers, pleaded guilty in 2009 to having spied for Cuba for 30 years.
Clean these people out. Flush out anyone with a profile of displaying sympathy for leftist causes in Latin America. And their proteges and anyone in their network. It won’t get everyone, but it’ll get a lot of them.
Walter Kendall Myers, of the married duo who pleaded guilty to spying for Cuba, was an intelligence analyst specializing in Europe. He was recruited by Cuban intelligence after making a trip to the island in 1978, according to prosecutors. During his visit, Myers declared in a diary entry his affinity for Castro and the Cuban government, prosecutors said.
Insanely, an intelligence analyst visited an enemy nation under embargo known for spying on America, and no one flagged anything.
Same folks who briefly decided that there were Russians under every bed from about 2016 through 2019, couldn’t give less of a damn about the mass corruption and infiltration of America.
Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield