Former Sheriff Files Fraud Complaint With Florida Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission Against Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
Since former Lee County Sheriff Rodney Shoap has examined the plethora of documentation concerning the crimes and unethical behavior of appointed Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, he has been writing letters of complaint with that evidence to various agencies, including the governor’s office, in Florida. The latest letter went out on Monday to Deputy William Weiss, Chairman of the Florida Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission, the agency from which Marceno’s CJSTC 76 form came that allowed him to take the Equivalency of Training test, which he was not allowed to do under Florida law due to failing to meet the standards of an out of state police officer. Previously, Shoap has referred to this document as a “fraud.”
Shoap’s letter is identical in what it presents to his previous letter to the Commissioner of Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Rick Swearingen.
Shoap is convinced that Carmine Marceno is a fraud and has committed multiple crimes, which he communicated and documented to Deputy Weiss.
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“Carmine Marceno attended the Suffolk County, New York police academy about 20 years ago. He was employed as a Suffolk County Park Ranger, but only the position of a part time seasonal ranger, never full time employment,” wrote Shoap. “Florida law clearly dictates the following prerequisites for out of state candidates applying to take the Florida Police Officer’s exam. First, the candidate must have completed a regular police academy meeting Florida standards; and second, the candidate must have worked as a full time law enforcement officer for 12 full months. Otherwise, in lieu of meeting the two prerequisites, the candidate must attend a regular Florida Police Academy prior to taking the Florida Police Officer Certification Exam.”
The former Lee County Sheriff then provided six points concerning Marceno’s fraud:
- FDLE Form 76: Exemption granted on 9-22-99 and employment is listed as Police Officer. The agency is Suffolk County Park Police and the box checked for full time is ‘Yes’. Had the box been checked ‘No’, Marceno would have been disqualified from taking the training and exam. In addition, the date for the third exam was 10/03/2002, three years and one month after the application was made and two years and one month past the expiration date;
- Article 25 Membership Registration for New York Retirement. When Mr. Marceno completed his retirement registration form for the State of New York stamped August 17, 2002, line – 7 and line – 10 both clearly completed as Part Time Seasonal Ranger;
- Suffolk County Department of Parks Seasonal Standard Payroll form for Mr. Marceno. On the line dated 09/01/99 the line item marked for payment of Mr. Marceno’s salary is Part Time;
- Lee County Sheriff’s Office employment application employment history page lists six prior employments for Mr. Marceno. In the boxes marked full time or part time, five of the six were marked and Suffolk County Park Police was left blank. An error or omission on this application constitutes untruthfulness and perjury.
- Naples Police Department letter sent by the training officer to the Chief explaining dates on the FDLE form 76 and informing the Chief that Marceno would not have time, after failing the first two exams, to retake the 3rd test prior to the form date lapsing. The Chief ultimately terminated Marceno’s employment; and,
- Copy of Equivalency of Training laws rules and administrative code governing how out of state candidates can become Florida certified by taking a full Florida Police Academy training class or if they meet the requirements they can avoid the Academy training and go right to an Equivalency of Training class and take the Florida State Exam.
Here are the documents Shoap presented to make his case.
Additionally, Shoap provided these text messages confirming that he promised to help Deanna Williams,
However, once Marceno had enjoyed himself at the expense of Ms. Williams, he was ready to discard her and have her murder their unborn baby, all to not “ruin” his career.
Classy guy.
Sheriff Shoap advised FCJSTC that the Florida Ethics Commission is currently investigating Marceno based on his complaint regarding Marceno’s unethical pursuit of a sexual relationship with a victim of crime, Deanna Williams, dating her and engaging in sexual intercourse in a police vehicle, which are all violations of FDLE’s ethics on their website. Again, these are things that FDLE has ignored from this reporter on several occasions.
Shoap also points out the Marceno promised to keep Ms. Williams from being victimized further, but instead, he took advantage of her and when she became pregnant with his child, this self-professed “Republican” and “pro-life” politician demanded she murder their unborn baby for the sake of his career.
Shoap informed FCJSTC that Ms. Williams has been contacted by several women saying that Marceno pursued them, as well.
I have seen text and private messages from at least three women attesting to this fact. I have also been advised of two other women who have acknowledged that he took advantage of them due to minor infraction of the law they had engaged in. In fact, Ms. Williams has alleged that she is aware that he was seeing at least two, possibly three other women at the time he was seeing her, one of those women lives in Hawaii, which interestingly enough, is where he was at when Ms. Williams filed the paternity suit against him.
Several of these women are afraid to come forward after watching how Ms. Williams‘ good name has been dragged through the mud with little to know real reporting on the truth and documentation of Marceno’s crimes by the Florida media.
“One of my biggest fears is to find out that Marceno is a predator and we did nothing about it,” writes Shoap.
Sheriff Shoap added, “When Sheriff Scott retired, several other candidates applied for the appointment. Others had college degrees, prior experience as an appointed and elected Sheriff, etc. This was a pure political appointment and I understand that. But Mr. Marceno does not have the resume to apply for any police chief’s position. The requirements raise the bar for police chiefs. Why should Lee County accept less?”
“Every day that Mr. Marceno gets up, puts his uniform on and goes to work he commits the Felony crime of: Impersonating a Police Officer, Shoap continued. “In my opinion an investigation is certainly appropriate.”
Shoap then concluded his letter by calling on FCJSTC to refer his complaint to the Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission for their certification investigation and to the Executive Investigations Division for their criminal investigation.
Chairman William Weiss is the latest in a long line of people who will now be responsible for the continued crimes of Sheriff Carmine Marceno if he does not follow through with an investigation and ultimately, prosecution of this man. Governor Ron DeSantis has ignored the obvious documentation of Marceno’s felonies, perjuries and unethical behavior. FDLE has skirted once before. Attorney General Ashley Moody has also ignored it, though she is fully aware of the documents and allegations against Marceno. The Florida Commission on Ethics is now in the middle of an investigation of Marceno’s actions.
It’s past time for Carmine Marceno to be brought to justice.
Here’s Sheriff Shoap’s letter to FCJSTC and subsequent attachments.
Complaint to FCJST by Tim Brown on Scribd
For more documentation on the things that were addressed above, here are previous articles on the subject:
- Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
- Judge Tossed Right To Sue Rape Victim – Florida Attorneys Still Pursue Her, Threaten Arrest
- Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
- Rape Victim Claims Gloria Allred Failed To Honor Agreement – Now She Faces Threats Of Arrest & Judgments Of Over $1 Million
- Why Did The Florida Judicial System Render A Final Judgment Against A Rape Victim Without Giving Her Time To Defend Herself?
- What Do Gloria Allred & A Florida Judge Busted In A Prostitution Sting Have In Common?
- Ousted Oklahoma Judge Turned Florida Attorney Michael Chionopoulos Involved In Possible Malpractice In Depriving Rape Victim Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars
- 1 Person Now Dead In Case Against Rape Victim – When Will Governor DeSantis, the Attorney General & Florida Bar Intervene?
- Did Florida Governor & Sean Hannity Drop Support Of Florida Sheriff Carmine Marceno Because He Abused His Power To Pursue Women For Sex & Wanted His Baby Murdered?
- Florida State-Controlled Media Provides Cover For FDLE Report On Lee County Sheriff Regarding Threats In Paternity Suit – Here’s What They Didn’t Report
- Exclusive: Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
- Exclusive: The Fraud In Lee County Continues – Documents Indicate Sheriff Never Met The Requirements To Be A Police Officer
- Florida “Republicans” Are Apparently OK Supporting Pro-Baby Murder & Corrupt Sheriff
- Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Decorates Himself In Same Fashion As Dictators Of The Past
- The Next Tier In Lee County, Florida Corruption: State Attorney Amira Fox
- Is The State Of Florida Going To Quietly Stand By As This Woman’s Life Hangs In The Balance As They Did With Terri Schiavo?
- Florida Sheriffs Association Silent On Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Fraud
- The Documents SW Florida Media Are Afraid To Show Lee County Citizens About Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Is “Women’s Rights” Attorney Gloria Allred Responsible For Leaving This Woman To Face Over A $1 Million Judgment?
- A Florida Bar Investigator, The State Attorney & A Sheriff – The Corruption Runs Deep
- Joe Biden Dropped Out Of The ’88 Presidential Election For Embellishing His Academic Record – Why Doesn’t Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Drop Out Of His Campaign?
- What Is With Florida Republicans Supporting Frauds, Police Impersonators & Those Tied To Islamic Terrorism?
- Gloria Allred Leaves Florida Woman Hanging Out To Dry While Greedy, Money Hungry Attorneys & Enabling, Corrupt Judges Pursue Her For Over $1 Million (Video)
- Florida Bar Drops The Ball On Attorney Grand Theft Of $200,000… Again!
- Florida Attorney Scott Mager Seems To Make A 6 Figure Job For Himself Against Rape Victim
- Exclusive Bombshell: Lee County Sheriff’s Office Can’t Produce Certification For Sheriff
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- Florida Department Of Law Enforcement Or Department of Whitewashing & Coverup?
- More Evidence Of Florida Corruption In Case Of Attorney Suing Rape Victim For Profit
- Former Florida State Attorney Refused To Prosecute Rape & Grand Theft From Rape Victim – Sued Local TV Station Over “Hurt Feelings”
- Southwest Florida Media Is Finally Reporting On Corruption We’ve Been Exposing For Months!
- Tonight’s The Night Lee County Sheriff Gets Exposed For The Fraud He Is By Local Media
- Florida County Gets Rocked By Explosive Report Over Fraudulent Sheriff
- Rape Victim Files Bar Complaint Against Florida Attorney Scott Mager Alleging He’s Knowingly In Possession of Six-Figures Of Stolen Funds
- Bombshell: Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Puts People In Danger By Violating Florida Law Concerning Illegals
- Former Lee County Sheriff To File Formal Complaint With Florida Commission On Ethics – Calls For Investigation Of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Florida Commission On Ethics Receives Complaint Against Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno From Former Sheriff
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- Documents: Lee County Sheriff’s Office & Florida State Attorney’s Office Completely Dropped The Ball On Victim Of Grand Theft
- Lee County Arrests Police Captain For Prostitution & Perjury – Criminal Sheriff Carmine Marceno Still In Place
- Florida: “Constitutional” “Republicans” To Turn Out In “Support” & “Honor” Of A Documented Felon Who Wanted His Own Child Murdered
- Former Lee County Sheriff Urges Senator Rick Scott To Back Off Support For Criminal Sheriff He Appointed
- Florida Ethics Commission Investigating Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Former Lee County Sheriff to FDLE: Sheriff Carmine Marceno Has Engaged In “The Biggest Fraud Perpetrated On Police Officer Standards & Training I Have Ever Seen”
- The Guardian Finally Makes A National Story About Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Crimes That We’ve Reported On For Months! – Will Gloria Allred Be Next?
- Is This The Reason SouthWest Florida Media Is Silent About The Crimes & Unethical Behavior Of Carmine Marceno?
- Former Sheriff Provides Florida Ethics Investigator Additional Evidence Of Criminal & Ethics Violations By Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Florida: Sheriff That Violated Ethics & State Law Fires Clerk After Her Arrest & Policy Violations
- Florida: Attorneys Could Collectively Face Over 100 Years In Prison For Grand Theft, Possession Of Stolen Funds & Fraud
- Former Lee County Sheriff Files “Police Officer Certification Fraud” Complaint With FDLE Against Appointed Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Did Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Obstruct Justice Or Was This Complete Incompetence – Or Both? (Audio)
- Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Education Fraud May Now Include Perjury
Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media