Home»US»General Mattis Nominates Muslim Brotherhood Stooge for Fourth Most Powerful Pentagon Position

General Mattis Nominates Muslim Brotherhood Stooge for Fourth Most Powerful Pentagon Position

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Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ pick for undersecretary of defense for policy, Anne Patterson, is causing quite stir because if you remember correctly, during the Obama administration she was nothing more than a Muslim Brotherhood stooge.

Fox News reports:

President Trump’s defense secretary wants the Pentagon’s top civilian job to go to a onetime prominent supporter of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, a group Trump may designate as a terrorist organization.

Not surprisingly, the White House is resisting the choice by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a retired Marine Corps general, of Anne Patterson to be undersecretary of defense for policy — the Pentagon’s fourth most powerful position.

While Patterson’s bona fides are not in question – she has served as an ambassador to Egypt, Pakistan, Colombia, El Salvador and the United Nations, along with being President Obama’s assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs – there is widespread concern, both at home and abroad, about her close ties to ousted Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Patterson’s support of Morsi and his Islamist government – and her denunciation of the 2013 protests against the Egyptian leader as mere “street protests” – saw herself become the target of widespread criticism. Demonstrators plastered her face on signs and banners and made her the public face of the Obama administration’s policies in the North African nation.

In 2013, Patterson vowed to apply pressure to support the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, even as Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah told Christians in the area to stop protesting the Muslim Brotherhood.  At that time, we reported:

Evidence that the Obama administration is unhappy with the Egyptian people’s liberation from Muslim Brotherhood rule continues to emerge.  As reported today by Youm 7, according to Muhammad Heikal — “the Arab world’s most respected political commentator” and for some 50 years a political insider — soon after the overthrow of Morsi, U.S. ambassador Anne Patterson assured Hisham Qandil, who hours ago was Egypt’s Prime Minister, that “there are many forms of pressure, and America holds the keys to the Gulf.”

Such blatantly pro-Muslim Brotherhood assurances by Patterson are consistent with many of her other actions in Egypt, which have led most Egyptians, including politicians and activists, to refer to her as a Brotherhood stooge.  Among other things, in the days leading to June 30, she called on Egyptians not to protest — including by meeting with the Coptic Pope and asking him to urge the nation’s Christian minority not to oppose the Brotherhood, even though Christians have naturally been the most to suffer under Morsi, especially in the context of “blasphemy” accusations.

Thus, and once again, the Obama administration makes indubitably clear that its primary interest in Egypt is to see the Muslim Brotherhood stay in power, the Egyptian people’s will — the will of tens of millions of secularists, liberals, moderates, and Christians — be damned.

A former Egyptian Parliament member accused Patterson of being a part of a Muslim Brotherhood “sleeper cell.”  It was her actions that helped secure the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, and later evidence demonstrated that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood president who was installed was behind the Benghazi attacks.

Middle East commentator Raymond Ibrahim says that Patterson so supported the Muslim Brotherhood that the Egyptian people wanted her out because they believed both Obama and Patterson support terrorism.

Patterson1 Patterson2

Ibrahim reminds us:

Youm 7, a popular newspaper in Egypt (then the sixth-most visited website in the nation according to Alexa.com), conducted a survey asking its readers:

Do you support the call to kick U.S. Ambassador Anne Patterson out because she interfered in Egyptian affairs?A whopping 87.93% said yes, 10.54% said no, and 1.53% were indifferent. Youm 7’s audience is almost exclusively secular-leaning or Christian. It was the non-Islamists of Egypt that disliked the U.S. ambassador — not the Muslim Brotherhood, which benefited from her.

In 2013, even Foreign Policy, a publication notorious for always siding with establishment D.C., noted that Patterson was widely seen among Republicans “as the key implementer for a policy that at least offers tacit support to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

This is the person Mattis wants in a very powerful position at the Pentagon.

“Mattis is a guy who cares very much about personnel,” a friend close to Mattis said. “He doesn’t want people off the tracks that he has laid down and that he’s running his train on.”

Perhaps, we need a new engineer for this train or create new tracks.

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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