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Get Ready For The New ‘Vaccine’

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It wasn’t enough that the Covid-19 vaccine caused so much harm, now a new turbo charged vaccine is in the works.  It is called the self-amplifying mRNA-Covid-19 vaccine, or sa-mRNA, also known as a replicon vaccine.

The original Covid-19 mRNA vaccine worked by introducing modified RNA, or mRNA, into a cell.  In turn, it stimulated the cell to manufacture the spike protein to replicate, thereby producing antibodies against it.  What resulted was an immune response but one that was not strong enough, requiring several subsequent injections to maintain immunity. 

As the term implies, the production of these proteins is amplified with the sa-mRNA vaccine, producing larger amounts, the theory being frequent dosing of the vaccines won’t be necessary as was with the original vaccine.  With sa-mRNA technology, the human body is turned into a perpetual manufacturing machine of a viral protein. 

As seen in the diagram below, the sa-mRNA vaccine causes the cell to manufacture more of the Covid-19 spike protein.

The first clinical trials of this new vaccine were conducted on individuals from the Vietnamese population even though the “global COVID-19 pandemic disease is now largely under control and no longer considered a public health emergency of international concern”.  Therefore, a new vaccine was needed and it is thought that this new sa-mRNA vaccine would be more effective against new variants of Covid-19.

The trials showed the sa-mRNA vaccine was “well tolerated, with mainly mild or moderate adverse events, most of which were transient local reactions”.  However, the long-term safety of these new vaccines was “not established”.

In 2023, further trials of sa-mRNA vaccines were conducted in Japan on individuals who had received prior mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations.

Enough time has passed for more in-depth studies on Covid-19 and the injection.  While these studies may appear overwhelming, they do have some important findings that can be gleaned between the technical jargon.

This study indicated the possibility that a Covid-19 illness, not the injection, could disrupt tumor suppression mechanisms (3.2), suggesting it contributed to the development of cancer.  In breast cancer, it was suggested that treatment strategies targeting ACE2 could contribute to disrupting the immune system which could favor the progression of several types of cancer, including existing breast cancer (4.4).  Out of the cancers mentioned, pancreas, breast, colorectal, lung, and oral, the rates of disease in all of them have increased over the last several years.  In summary, “One of the most worrying long-term effects of infection is the potential to induce malignant neoplasms…”.

Turning to the first mRNA vaccine in this study, Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations, it noted a “profound impairment in type I interferon signaling”.  Interferon plays a significant role in suppressing cancer cells.  It also stated the suppression of Interferon and other elements by vaccination with spike protein production as “extremely concerning”.  Stunningly, it also found that “Over the 31-year history of VAERS, up to February 3, 2022, there were a total of 10,321 deaths reported…in association with any vaccine, and 8,241 (80%) of those deaths were linked to COVID-19 vaccines.”  The study also provides an overview as to why the original mRNA vaccine failed.

The spike protein has also been studied, and in this study was found to be “pathogenic, from both virus and vaccine mRNA”.  It also found that the spike protein “has cytotoxic (meaning harmful to cells) effects inside cells through interaction with cancer suppressor genes”…” is neurotoxic through accumulation”…having “toxic and apoptotic effects”.  Apoptosis is the body mechanism that destroys bad cells.  More simply stated, the spike protein kills human cells that suppress cancer cells.

The essence is that it has been found that the spike proteins cause harm.  The Covid-19 injections cause the body to increase the number of these proteins in the body with the idea that an immune response will be initiated.  Now, a new Covid-19 injection is being made that will multiply those proteins in the body.  As was typical with the original mRNA vaccine, studies are already coming out that claim the amplifying vaccine has protective immunity, and are funded by pharmaceutical companies that make them. 

An alternative to mRNA vaccines, Novavax, is a protein-based vaccine, making it sound more like a traditional vaccine.  But don’t be fooled, it “uses an insect virus that has been genetically engineered to express spike proteins…which are then incorporated into the vaccine.”

Sadly, the Japanese government has approved the use of the sa-mRNA vaccine for use upon the Japanese population.  Similar to the opposition in the U.S., they have come together for a mass protest against this, bringing in experts to speak about the dangers of these vaccines.  How these vaccines contribute to the development of cancer was brought up during one of the panel discussions (6:50″ mark).

Why is this harm being brought upon innocent human beings?  Some believe there is a notorious agenda by some elites to depopulate the world.  If that were true, then it would mean every person involved in the creation of this technology and its resultant products, the distribution of those products, and those who have dedicated their lives to caring for humans by injecting them with the product have all been involved in the same agenda.  Are all of these individuals aware of their complicity, or are they just innocent puppets who choose to not confront reality like so many others who are not listening to the facts? Have they been so fully indoctrinated that consideration for any other information causes so much overwhelming fear that it freezes them from taking any action?  No one has to accept these realities, but they should at least consider them.

And pharmaceutical companies that make those vaccines, PfizerJohnson & Johnson, Moderna, Novartis, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca, are partners with those elites through the World Economic Forum.

For now, read the studies as there is other easily understandable information on these vaccines that was not covered, research further, and above all, educate and help protect others by sharing this information.

Karen Schumacher

Karen Schumacher is a regular contributor to Idahoans Against Agenda 21.
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