Have You Seen These Latest Deaths & Adverse Effects From The Experimental COVID Shots?
From celebrities to the unknowns, from men to women, from adults to children, these COVID experimental shots are the return of Nazi-style genocide. Sadly, those taking it are either ignorant of history or worshipping scientism and it’s author. The following is a list of those who have either died or suffered serious adverse effects following taking these experimental shots.
- Both Biden & Trump Are Shills For The Deep State’s Vaccine Mandates
- Fauci’s Emails Expose His Own Corruption & Criminality While People Continue Dying Of “Vaccine”
- Businesses Already Defying Tyrant & Illegitimate Biden’s Unlawful “Vaccine” Mandates
- Pfizer/FDA Corruption, Lethal Batches, and Autopsies Reveal Covid-19 Jab Genocide
- The Conflicts Of Interest Between The Unconstitutional FDA & Big Pharma Are Deadly (Video)
The COVID Blog reports: Stephanie Whitmore: pregnant Australia woman’s baby suffers in utero brain bleed, stillborn 12 days after mother’s second Pfizer mRNA injection.
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BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND — A 33-year-old woman chronicled her entire pregnancy on Instagram, eagerly anticipating the birth of her first child in October. Now she is the subject of the most heartbreaking story we’ve written in quite a while. And it’s all because she trusted the white coat gods.
Mrs. Stephanie Whitmore announced that she was pregnant with a baby girl on May 1. She captioned a photo with her husband, Mr. Eoin Whitmore, with “You, me and her #Babygirl.”
Mrs. Whitmore posted a photo of her and Eoin on July 19, celebrating their fifth anniversary. She spoke about the realities of marriage and how their love is stronger than ever with a new addition to the family forthcoming.
She had a full-on pregnant belly by Week 30, August 29, as the big day was getting closer and closer.
Mrs. Whitmore reached the eight-month mark on September 7.
That week also marked the beginning of the end.
“I spoke to all the doctors”
Mrs. Whitmore does not mention or reference a job on Instagram in 2021. Thus it does not appear she faced any sort of mandates. But like everyone else in the Western world, she’s bombarded with COVID fearmongering and propaganda 24/7.
“I was pro-vaccine. I got medical advice…[on] what was the safest, most responsible action to take in order to keep my family and baby safe,” she wrote.
Mrs. Whitmore received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13, at 32 weeks pregnant, according to her Instagram page. She reported no adverse effects, and “continued with life as usual.” Mrs. Whitmore received the second injection on October 4. She had a prenatal appointment on October 6. Like all the prior appointments, doctors found nothing wrong with her baby.
She posted a 36 weeks pregnant update on October 7.
They named the baby Isabella. A full-term pregnancy is 37 to 40 weeks, so Isabella could have been born at any time thereafter. Then tragedy struck.
“No words can describe the pain”
But she noticed that little Isabella “wasn’t moving the way she usually would” that day. Mrs. Whitmore went for an ultrasound, and received the worst news possible for an expecting mother. Isabella was suffering from intraventricular hemorrhage – bleeding inside the brain’s ventricles. Mrs. Whitmore also mentioned a blood clot. There is currently no known therapy to stop the in utero bleeding, according to Johns Hopkins University.
Mrs. Whitmore delivered her stillborn daughter on October 16. –Read More
The COVID World reported on several athletes.
Ricardo Gomes: 30-Year-Old Football Player Collapsed During Training 6 Weeks After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
Ian Matos: 32-Year-Old Brazilian Olympic Diver Died Months After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
Sarah Gigante: 21-Year-Old Australian Olympic Cyclist Developed Myopericarditis After COVID-19 Vaccination
Sergio Aguero: Fully Vaccinated Football Star Was Forced To Retire After A Severe Heart Condition
Daniel Aakervik: 17-Year-Old Norwegian Skier Was Forced To Suspend His Season After A Severe Reaction To COVID-19 Vaccine
Richard Harward: College Basketball Player Developed Potentially Career Ending Blood Clots And Heart Problems After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
Craig Jones: 29-Year-Old Australian MMA Fighter And Jiu-Jitsu World Champion Dropped Out Of UFC Fight After Pfizer Vaccine Injury
John Fleck: Scottish Football Player Collapsed And Convulsed During A Match Just Months After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine
Filip Ingebrigtsen: 28-Year-Old Olympic Athlete Struggled For 7 Months After A Severe Reaction To COVID-19 Vaccine
Paul Zipser: Former Chicago Bulls Player Suffered A Brain Hemorrhage After Receiving Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
Fabienne Schlumpf: 31-Year-Old Swiss Olympic Marathon Runner Developed Myocarditis After Receiving COVID-19 Booster Shot
Chanelle Wilkinson: Australia woman receives second Pfizer mRNA injection despite severe adverse reactions to the first, now suffering uncontrollable convulsions, autoimmune issues
CORNUBIA, QUEENSLAND — Just two-and-a half years ago, the biggest concern for Ms. Chanelle Wilkinson was turning 30 years old. Now the self-described “South African living in Australia” is uncertain about her health and future because she listened to mainstream media and not her inner voice.
Ms. Wilkinson received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on November 28, according to her Instagram page. She got the shot despite being hesitant based on her own research and information she received from nurses and friends. Ms. Wilkinson also has a preexisting condition called pleurisy – inflammation of the tissue surrounding the lungs. It’s essentially pericarditis for lungs. But the condition was apparently dormant for many years. The mRNA injection changed all that.
Pleurisy returned with a vengeance just 24 hours after her first Pfizer injection. Ms. Wilkinson, 33, also suffered from memory loss, brain fog, nausea and shortness of breath. But she returned to work the next day. Her second injection was scheduled for December 8, just 10 days after the first shot. Even the Centers for Disease Control recommends at least 21 days between Pfizer injections. It appears Ms.Wilkinson was in a rush because her company gave her a deadline of December 15 to be “fully vaccinated” or fired.
Ms. Wilkinson received the second Pfizer injection sometime before December 15. She rescheduling the original appointment because the clinic was closed that day, almost as if God or some other higher power was trying to tell her something. Her life has been completely altered ever since.
Shawn Skelton Syndrome
Ms. Wilkinson reported stiffness in her legs just 30 minutes after the second injection. But again, she went back to work as if everything was fine. The situation quickly escalated at work. Leg stiffness morphed into uncontrollable, full-body convulsions. Paramedics arrived and performed an electrocardiogram (ECG) and a blood sugar test. She was transported to the hospital, where she received a crash course in Great Reset medicine.
Doctors placed Ms. Wilkinson in a wheelchair and left her alone for six hours, while she convulsed uncontrollably. It wasn’t until her boss called the hospital that medical personnel finally acknowledged her presence. Doctors diagnosed Ms. Wilkinson with a “post-vaccine injury,” prescribed valium and discharged her. A general practitioner prescribed more valium the next day and referred Ms. Wilkinson to a neurologist.
In the meantime, she’s been seeing a naturopathic doctor, whom she says has helped mitigate the symptoms. Ms. Wilkinson posted several videos on Instagram of her new normal.
Madison Taylor: 22-year-old Mormon missionary and college student suffers 94-straight days of vaginal bleeding after first Moderna mRNA injection, emphasizes “this vaccine isn’t dangerous”
FARR WEST, UTAH — A 22-year-old newlywed, Mormon and college student was living a charmed life of travel, love, God and youth. That is until she succumbed to dystopian mandates that likely changed her life forever.
Governor Jay Inslee is the generic brand of Gavin Newsom. Inslee announced last week that Washington state will provide 800,000 free at-home COVID tests, free masks for everyone in the state, and more make booster shots more widely-available. Meanwhile the University of Washington announced its “vaccine mandate” for both students and faculty on January 6, 2021. We pick up the story of Mrs. Taylor from here.
She received her first Moderna mRNA injection April 16, according to her Instagram page. Mrs. Taylor posted a video, along with a written summary of said video, on April 27. The first three sentences twice say that she is not trying to discourage anyone from receiving the injections. Those sentences also emphasize that she is “not anti vacc.”
Mrs. Taylor reported heavy vaginal bleeding that began eight hours after the injection and persisted to that day. She is on birth control and hadn’t had a period for nine months prior to that. Mrs. Taylor reported suffering from blood clots prior to receiving the injection. Of course, blood clots are very common adverse reactions to the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. She also suffered from “crazy uterine and stomach pain” that is beyond anything she ever felt from routine menstrual cycles.
Mrs. Taylor voiced concern for her ability to procreate, and that she may develop cancer based on all the tests ran by doctors. She also got the reality check that all vaxxed people get when they go to the same doctors pushing the injections. “I thought I was crazy,” she said, after doctors refused to believe that the mRNA injection caused all of Mrs. Taylor’s problems. She “googled” her post-injection condition and cited several mainstream media sources that confirmed her condition was caused by the injection.
“I wish I had known about this” prior to receiving the injection, she said.
Mrs. Taylor, again, kept moving in life as if nothing was wrong. But frustrations boiled over in an October 5 update. She posted a photo of her vaccine card and started the post with “this vaccine isn’t dangerous, this mandate is dangerous.” Mrs. Taylor not only reported that an ingredient in the mRNA injection triggered her preexisting autoimmune disease, but also that the menstrual bleeding lasted 94-straight days before finally subsiding.
She implied that the only reason she received the injection was because of the University of Washington mandate. Mrs. Taylor repeated that doctors refuse to connect the obvious dots and denied her a medical exemption for the second injection. It’s unclear if she’s received a second shot. Mrs. Taylor also appears to be coming to grips with the fact that she is unlikely to ever have children.
I’m sorry, the shot isn’t dangerous but the mandate is? Both are dangerous, Mrs. Taylor. Look at what has happened to you! It’s happened hundreds or thousands of times to women around the world… and even worse things have happened from taking this experimental shot! Tell the truth, don’t cover for the criminals who pushed this on you and many other unsuspecting people in the public!
Booster Blues: Brazilian reporter has heart attack on live TV, Olympian develops myocarditis, Arizona man dead six days after booster
Rafael Silva is a television presenter for Jornal das 7/TV Alterosa in Brazil. He is also the consummate vaxx and mask zealot, almost to the point of insanity. Mr. Silva received his first injection on July 30. It’s unclear which brand he received. However it is clear that it doesn’t matter what brand it is. The caption says everything you need to know about his loyalty to big pharma.
“I don’t really know how to explain what I felt. I cried, I cried a lot of joy for having the possibility of being vaccinated. At the same time a feeling of sadness for more than 550 thousand people who didn’t have that chance. Take care, keep wearing a mask. Long live the Vaccine.”
Mr. Silva, 36, received his second injection on August 28. He thanked God “for the opportunity.”
He received his booster shot on December 28. The caption translation is as follows:
“Long live the third dose. I’m sorry for the people who didn’t have that opportunity. Vaccines save lives.”
Mr. Silva was in mid-sentence during a live broadcast on January 3, when he suddenly lost consciousness and collapsed to the floor. The station cut the footage right before the very-loud thud when Mr. Silva struck the floor. It was reported that he was in stable condition later that day.
Brazilian online newspaper Metrópoles reported that Mr. Silva was taken to Humanitas Hospital. But he suffered five more cardiac arrests in the ambulance. Mr. Silva has since locked his Twitter account so only verified followers can see his Tweets. There are no further updates.
Mikel Marusu: Philippines experiencing numerous deaths since “vaccine” mandate went into effect on November 30
Serbegeth Singh: Former Pro Football Player Dies 5 Days After Receiving COVID-19 Booster Shot
Former Malaysian football player Serbegeth Singh, more popularly known as Shebby Singh, died suddenly from a heart attack while out cycling on Wednesday, January 12th.
Shebby, who has worked in recent years as a football pundit, received his COVID-19 booster shot just five days earlier on January 7th.
Shebby’s son, Sonuljit Singh, told Free Malaysia Today that his father had received the booster shot five days before his death, labeling those speculating about the jab being related to his sudden death as ‘irresponsible‘.
“He had it on January 7th and left us five days later as everyone knows. We do not know what booster shot he had taken as the MySejahtera app [Malaysia’s COVID QR-code app] had not been updated yet.
But the doctors told us the cause of his death was 99 per cent related to a heart attack as his post-mortem showed three of his coronary arteries having blockages. All his vital organs were in perfect working condition and there were also no signs of any allergic reaction.”
The sudden passing of Shebby even prompted a response from Malaysia’s King and Queen, saying:
“The King and Queen greatly appreciate his services and sacrifices to the country. His passing is a big loss to Malaysian football.”
Shebby was out cycling in the Malaysian city of Iskandar Puteri on Wednesday when he suddenly fell from his bike after being struck by a heart attack. The former pro was attended by several bystanders and an ambulance was called which arrived shortly after. However, nothing could be done as Shebby had already passed away.
Argentinian Reporter Carlos Ferrara Collapses On-Air While Broadcasting From A COVID Testing Site
Argentinian reporter Carlos Ferrara collapsed during a live news broadcast on Argentina’s Channel 9 on Thursday. Ferrara was covering a news story outside a COVID testing center in the city of Buenos Aires when he suddenly fainted.
Claudio Perez, the presenter on Channel 9, was at the point of saying goodbye to Ferrara when the reporter was heard saying “Sorry Claudio, sorry,” as a thumping sound could be heard through Ferrara’s microphone feed.
Claudio, believing that Ferrara wanted to give more info, asked him to quickly close since they were ready to end the segment. “What happened?” Claudio asked.
A few seconds later, the camera panned left and revealed Carlos Ferrara lying on the ground, face down, with the microphone still in his hand. The cameraman then quickly turned away from the distressing scene and the feed was cut.
Claudio can be heard saying “No!” before attempting to move on from the incident.
“Well, Carlos had some difficulty. They will surely attend to him. We are going to make a cut.”
A few minutes later, Claudio clarified:
“The first thing we want to say is that we are waiting for confirmation that they are treating our colleague Carlos Ferrara, who had an incident at the testing site.”
Channel 9 was later able to confirm that Ferrara was stable and under observation in hospital with good vital signs. He is currently undergoing a full health assessment.
The fainting episode of Ferrara closely resembles the sudden collapse of Brazilian TV presenter Rafael Silva, who suffered a cardiac event on-air just a week after his COVID-19 booster shot.
It should be clear to everyone paying attention that when you decide to take even one of these shots, let alone 2 or more, you are playing a dangerous game of Russian Roulette and the producers of these poisons know full well they are killing and injuring people across the world.
Take heed to yourselves and do not be deceived!
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media