Ilhan Omar Confesses Her Treason In Video: “The US government will do what we want, nothing else – They must follow our orders – That is how we safeguard the interest of Somalia”
We have known for some time that Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar is corrupt, a degenerate adultress, a supporter of insurrectionists, as well as one herself, a self-professed liar, and a defender of Islamic jihad and jihadis. Many of us even suspect she is in the country illegally, and even the Somalis of her own district don’t like her. Now, a video has surfaced dated January 27, 2024, in which she clearly tells people why she is in Congress and what her priority is there.
“The US government will do what we want, nothing else,” she said. “They must follow our orders. That is how we safeguard the interest of Somalia.”
Take a listen.
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If this is not a woman confessing treason, I don’t know what is and according to our laws, she should be arrested, put through due process and executed if found guilty, but seriously, this is coming out of her own mouth.
One person responded, “I don’t see how Ilhan Omar recovers from this. She can’t serve in Congress and must be expelled.”
Indeed, she should be, but Congress has already shown us they are not up to the task of actually bringing justice.
Another person responded, “That’s great! She should go back to Somalia and run for office. Somalia first is how the Somalian government should operate. Unfortunately, she’s in the U.S. government and saying we need to put Somalia first.”
Again, this is treason. She shouldn’t be going anywhere except in custody until justice is rendered upon her wicked head (Article I, Section 3, Clause 7).
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media