Home»US»Indiana Councilman Comes Out as ‘Lesbian Woman of Color,’ & Yet, Leftists Are ENRAGED

Indiana Councilman Comes Out as ‘Lesbian Woman of Color,’ & Yet, Leftists Are ENRAGED

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It should have been cause for celebration. According to a Monday report in the Daily Caller, Ryan Webb announced that he was “honored” to “shatter that glass ceiling” as he became the “very first lesbian woman of color” to serve as a county councilman in Delaware County, Indiana. Yet instead of celebrating, Leftist Hoosiers are enraged, and are calling for Webb to be removed from the county council altogether. Webb has even received death threats. Wait a minute: Don’t they love men who claim to be women, and women who claim to be men? Doesn’t today’s Left celebrate gender confusion and mental disorders? Not in this case.

Ryan Webb started it all in late April when he posted on Facebook that “after much consideration I have decided to come out and finally feel comfortable announcing my true authentic self. It is with great relief that I announce to everyone that I identify as a woman and not just any woman but as a woman of color as well. I guess this would make me gay/lesbian as well, since I am attracted to women.”

This is just the sort of thing that makes one a hero to Leftists today, and Webb laid it on thick, adding: “Whew, that felt good to finally get that out there and start living life as my true self. I’m excited to bring some diversity to the county council. Until today we didn’t have any females of color or LGBTQIAPC+++ on the council. I’m glad that now we do!” But then he added: “To avoid confusion, everyone can continue to address me as Ryan or as Councilman Webb. I will also retain my preferred pronouns of He/Him, however, this will in no way diminish my true identity as a woman of color.” What? No pronoun nonsense? Webb concluded by saying: “God bless America!” God? What?

Webb also appears to have continued to wear men’s clothes, rather than go the full Sam Brinton route and embrace the full drag-queen look of skirts and feather boas and garish eyeliner. Nor has he started wearing a silly-looking wig to hide his receding hairline. All that plus the fact that up to now Webb has been a Republican who has mocked the transgender madness, and even Leftists were sharp enough to see that something was amiss. The Muncie Star-Press adds that “the post was signed with a string of emojis, including the American Flag, a rainbow flag, a person of color, a winking smiley face and a bicep flex.” Charlize Jamieson, a man who claims to be a woman and lives in Webb’s district, began to suspect he was being mocked.

Jamieson wrote to Webb on Facebook: “Was this really necessary? It’s unbecoming of an elected official … or a decent human being for that matter.” Webb responded by turning the Left’s game on one of its players: “Charlize Jamieson do you think you have the only password to the forbidden world of coming out? When you decided to become a woman did people tell you it was unbecoming? Sorry pal but you don’t get to be the decipher of who is acceptable and who isn’t. I was hoping that you and I could be friends now that we’re both ladies that used to be men. I’ll give you some more time.” This was great fun, but it all quickly got ugly.

Webb noted that a group with the Orwellian name “Indiana Progressives” began “a hate and harassment campaign against me and my family by publishing my address and encouraging people to unlawfully congregate at my home.” Then at the county council meeting last Tuesday, Jamieson and others demanded Webb’s resignation. “He has, purposely, and intentionally, misgendered me,” Jamieson declared, “ridiculing my own gender identity. That is not something transgender people do to one another.”

Another Leftist complained about “having to take time out of my day today to try to teach a grown man how to behave appropriately” and reminded the council that “jobs require a certain amount of integrity to be exercised. In none of my jobs in the past 21 years would I have been permitted to mock and disrespect my customers. If I did I would would be fired. We are your customers. The people. You are a public official. He may mind his manners here in this room, but his behavior online absolutely casts shame on this entire council.”

Webb defended himself by saying: “You don’t get to question me. You do not get to require proof from me. You were part of the movement that helped establish these rules and set the bar, OK? You don’t get to come later when someone else joins the club that you don’t want in … You don’t get to question how I identify.” He also refused to resign.

How is Ryan Webb wrong? If Rachel Levine, Lia Thomas and Charlize Jamieson can proclaim that they’re women and demand that everyone play along, why can’t Ryan Webb? Because he’s mocking them? He is indeed exposing how ridiculous they are before the world, but they themselves are mocking reality and embracing insanity. For Leftists, that mockery is just fine. Ryan Webb’s isn’t. If anyone deserves to be called “stunning and brave,” it’s Ryan Webb.

Article posted with permission from Robert Spencer

The Washington Standard

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