John Brennan: Obama’s Muslim Convert Stooge for Jihad
In March 2013, America swore in John Brennan as its new Central Intelligence Agency Director not on the Bible, but a copy of the Constitution without the Bill of Rights. This occurred after he received the most “No” votes for confirmation in history! There’s more to this than mere symbolism. A month prior to his swearing in, Brennan was outed by former FBI Islam expert, Marine and combat veteran John Guandolo as a convert to Islam. His conversion took place years ago in Saudi Arabia.
In an interview with WND in February 2013, Guandolo said, “Mr. Brennan did convert to Islam when he served in an official capacity on the behalf of the United States in Saudi Arabia.
But it’s worse than a mere conversion to Islam. Guandolo expounded, “That fact alone is not what is most disturbing. His conversion to Islam was the culmination of a counterintelligence operation against him to recruit him. The fact that foreign intelligence service operatives recruited Mr. Brennan when he was in a very sensitive and senior U.S. government position in a foreign country means that he either a traitor … [or] he has the inability to discern and understand how to walk in those kinds of environments, which makes him completely unfit to the be the director of Central Intelligence.”
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When asked by WND’s Tom Trento if Guandolo was sure Brennan is a Muslim, Guandolo responded, “Yes I am. The facts of the matter are confirmed by U.S. government officials who were also in Saudi Arabia at the time that John Brennan was serving there and have direct knowledge. These are men who work in very trusted positions, they were direct witnesses to his growing relationship with the individuals who worked for the Saudi government and others and they witnessed his conversion to Islam.”
Guandolo went on to assert several things with regard to Brennan. His life was interwoven with individuals that were labeled as terrorists. This occurred both in his private and professional life. He has spoken positively of Islam and at times, jihad. He has even blamed jihad on “injustices, economics and ignorance,” but never mentioning that it is the result of Islamic teachings.
Brennan has also spoken on the fact, according to the video clip below, that he has learned and got his understanding and his ‘worldview’ in large part from Islam.
Guandolo’s claims were later verified by Daniel Greenfield, who wrote, “During his time as the CIA Station Chief in Saudi Arabia, John Brennan spoke of marveling ‘at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that pilgrimage.’ If Brennan did indeed visit Mecca during the Hajj, then he could have only done it by converting to Islam, like John Pitts, or pretending to have done so, like the GIGN commandos.”
“Whether or not Brennan had a moment of submission on the road to Mecca or whether he is simply acting as a useful idiot for the people who perpetrated the attacks of September 11, he is not qualified to be the point man in the War on Terror,” Greenfield concluded.
But it isn’t just Brennan’s affiliation with Islam that is disturbing. After all, we know many CIA agents who have risked their own lives playing a part alongside known terrorists and living to tell about it and yet don’t convert to Islam nor endorse Islamists in the federal government. One is a man I now call friend, Kevin Shipp, who has written an excellent account of his days in the CIA across two decades titled From the Company of Shadows. No, there are many more things I will lay before you to investigate for yourself.
John Brennan was America’s first assassination czar under Barack Obama.
Consider that Brennan was in charge of the CIA during the time following the Benghazi attacks. As information began to come forth during 2013, Brennan’s CIA was charged with threatening CIA agents and their families, as well as it being reported that some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations.
According to Shipp’s account of the CIA, polygraphs are common in the CIA, but these seemed to be making sure that no agent was talking about things that Brennan deemed “classified.” In fact, Brennan has been characterized by one of his colleagues as a “bully of epic dimensions.”
These are serious issues that need to be addressed, especially in light of the fact of the Muslim Brotherhood’s own goals to destroy the America we know and transform it into an Islamic nation. However, there is another issue that must be brought to light concerning John Brennan, and this may involve murder.
Brennan was the CEO of The Analysis Corporation following a Christmas blunder which ended his CIA career as chief of staff to George Tenet, then director of the CIA. The Analysis Corporation (TAC) was the Intelligence Solutions business of Global Defense Technology & Systems, Inc. (“GTEC”), now renamed Sotera Defense Solutions, a defense contracting company.
In 2006, a northern Virginia firm, Stanley, Inc., was awarded a $164 million contract to print new U.S. passports. In 2008, an employee of The Analysis Corporation, along with two employees from Stanley, Inc. breached the US Passport Office and “improperly accessed” the passport record of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Sidney McCain, III.
The motive for the break-in was initially chalked up to a supposed “exploratory” mission. However, it is now believed that the access of the files of Clinton and McCain were a cover-up to gain the valuable information on Obama, including his personal and diplomatic passports, his real birth certificate, his passports from Indonesia, his college transcripts showing a “foreign” student visa, and other information.
All three employees were fired. However, a month later an employee of the State Department shared the passport information with a man who has been identified as Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr. Harris had been working with federal investigators with regards to the passport information that had been accessed earlier and he had obtained via a co-conspirator in the State Department.
Harris was later found shot to death inside a blue car in front of the Judah House Praise Baptist Church.
So what does this have to do with John Brennan? Namely this: Brennan was the CEO of the company at the time of the break in, in which one of his employees accessed Barack Obama’s passport information. That information left a man murdered and the question has to be asked, who has that information? Does John Brennan have it and did he use it as leverage in order to get back in the CIA and become its director in spite of the number of votes against him? Did Brennan blackmail Obama with this information? Or is John Brennan just a stooge for jihad? It has yet to be seen.
We do know, however, that the co-conspirator at the State Department was never named and according to the State Department, the investigation into the passport fraud was ongoing at the time, but it appears it was never fully resolved.
Brennan is one of many in a long line of Muslims in the Obama administration, including the recently resigned Islamic imam Mohamed Elibiary.
In August, Democrat Senators Mark Udall (D-CO) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) called for the resignation of John Brennan from his position as director of the CIA following revelations from the Inspector General that the CIA was spying on Senate computers.
The question now is, why have these other things not been investigated more thoroughly by an independent body? Is it because there is so much corruption in Washington and the people allow it? I would say it is.