Home»US»Lawsuit: Did Ilhan Omar Break Law To Be Naturalized?

Lawsuit: Did Ilhan Omar Break Law To Be Naturalized?

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A lawsuit has been filed in US District Court in Washington, DC to determine if Minnesota jihad Representative Ilahn Omar broke the law in order to be naturalized in the US.

After petitioning Homeland Security and the House of Representatives for an investigation into Omar, attorney Larry Klayman filed his complaint to seek a court order that would require DHS to investigate the matter.

In March, Klayman’s petition was noted in a report:

“Indoctrinated in radical jihad since a child, Omar’s U.S. presence and election are part of jihadi infiltration tactics,” he said.

“Muslims who are legitimately American citizens or permanent residents have constitutional rights and these rights must be respected so long as they obey the law and do not seek to undermine our country. If Muslims are elected to Congress or other government positions, this also must be respected under our democratic traditions, so long as they do not violate our laws and do not have terrorist connections, such as Omar!

“However, Omar is not one of these law-abiding and decent Muslims: she is a hateful, dishonest and terrorist-connected threat and scourge on not just Congress but the nation as a whole. Those who support her, including those on the Jewish Left who run interference for her, must also be held to legally account! She must be removed from the House, prosecuted and/or deported.”

He cited accusations of immigration marriage fraud against her as well as “her links to terrorist connected groups.”

His complaint to DHS was forwarded this week to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and various committees.

“Rep. Ilhan Omar, according to extensive reporting by investigative journalists, married her own brother in a sham marriage constituting immigration fraud (while still with her first husband). The basis of Omar’s citizenship remains murky, yet her own U.S. citizenship could also prove to be invalid. The sham marriage certainly invalidates her brother’s citizenship and Omar could be prosecuted. Conviction of a crime – or ties to terrorist organizations – could also cause Omar to lose her naturalized citizenship,” Klayman’s statement said.

Klayman’s petition to DHS cited suspicion of marriage fraud, questions about her citizenship since she reportedly came to the U.S. from Kenya, which would mean she was “not eligible to be admitted into the United States as a refugee,” and other “removable” offenses.

The DHS was asked to accept evidence in Omar’s case, require sworn testimony, search records and investigate “the highly suspect, evasive, ambiguous, apparently false and non-responsive statements and fraudulent alibis of Ilhan Omar.”

Apparently, DHS Was unconcerned with the matter and took no action on Klayman’s complaint.

“Rep. Ilhan Omar (and her House colleague Rashida Tlaib who just yesterday announced that she gets a calming feeling from the Holocaust) must be held accountable for their actions. Both are not only vehemently anti-Judeo-Christian, but represent a threat to the well-being of all Americans who believe in freedom of religion and the vision of our Founding Fathers. Both are not just a disgrace, but demonstrative of the rapid decline of our institutions,” Klayman said.

WND reported on the filing and what it sought.

He alleges Omar committed “marriage fraud,” which, according to the Immigration Marriage Fraud Amendments Act of 1986, is punishable by five years in prison for any person “who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws.”

At the time she was given permission to enter the U.S. from Somali, she already was in “the resort city of Mombasa, Kenya, famous for its magnificent beaches on the Indian Ocean, and a magnet for wealthy tourists from Europe and around the world,” he said.

That means she was not living in a dangerous environment that would qualify her for entry into the U.S.

A third concern expressed in the document is whether she’s “joined organizations that provide support to terrorism.”

Her connections to various Middle East Palestinian organizations are questionable, the filing contends. The complaint says there is concern for her actions “including but not limited to her support if not collaboration of and with terrorist related domestic groups like CAIR and the Islamic Society of North America.

The complaint raises concerns over “fraud or willful misrepresentation of refugee status,” “immigration marriage fraud,” “terror support,” “denaturalization or immigration fraud,” ”

“A writ of mandamus should issue and defendant should be ordered to immediately commence a thorough and bona fide investigation and hold an evidentiary hearing, and if necessary institute … deportation proceedings and a criminal referral,” the filing said.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that Omar did marry her brother and violated the law to get him into the country.

In fact, her address records indicate that she lived with her first husband while she was apparently married to her brother.

Then there’s the question about paying her divorce attorney with campaign funds.

And what about North Dakota State University possibly covering up her fraud?

The woman who faces bigamy charges, and possible perjury charges should be considered a lawbreaker as she strolled into Congress violating the House’s own rules concerning hijabs, as well as state laws.

The claims that Klayman has put forward should also be looked at.

Of course, Larry Klayman has largely been viewed as an ambulance chaser.

He’s got his own concerns now after the longest held reporter in US history, Pete Santilli, has taken Klayman before the DC Disciplinary Bar Counsel over claims that Klayman committed serious ethical violations against him and those in the Bundy Ranch trials.

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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