Home»US»Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Education Fraud May Now Include Perjury

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Education Fraud May Now Include Perjury

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Back in April, I brought you an exclusive concerning Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s education fraud that he has been perpetrating on the people, even using the taxpayer-funded website of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office to do so.  Now, in investigating his education history that is tied to applications he filled out for work in Florida, while impersonating a police officer, it seems that his answers to application questions concerning his education were less than honest.

Let me begin by pointing out that one does not have to have a degree to be sheriff.  In normal circumstances, a degree is helpful, but usually, experience over years and integrity during one’s service makes them qualified to run for the office of sheriff.

In the case of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, he was appointed last year by then Governor Rick Scott at the request of former Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott.  Marceno was never elected by the people.  This coming year will be Marceno’s first election.

Not only has Marceno violated the code of ethics of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, but he has violated Florida’s law concerning requirements to become a police officer, engaging in fraud and perjury, but he has also sought to deceive the people about his education history.

First, Let me recap from my earlier report:

This is a screenshot from the Lee County Sheriff’s Office history.  Notice the first sentence in the last paragraph.

“In March 2017, Sheriff Carmine Marceno graduated from the FBI National Academy Session 267 and is on track to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice.”

To be fair, on his bio on the website, which is on another page, Marceno leaves this information out.

This fraudulent claim was also allowed to run last year in March at the News-Press.com and has never been updated despite the fact that I have informed the News-Press.com that he last attended FGCU in 2004.  Marceno never corrected what they wrote.

Now, here’s the evidence that Marceno is neither “on track to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice” as the sheriff’s website declares nor is he “working on finishing his college degree from FGCU.”  The following document was obtained by The Washington Standard via the National Student Clearinghouse.

As you can see, Marceno attended the University a little over 3 months.  Yet, he’s telling the people of Lee County a completely different story and the media is silent on what should be a huge political issue, which I’m sure those who will run against him for sheriff will capitalize on.

Sheriff Marceno has been contacted several times for comment with no reply.  Perhaps the media will take this up and start exposing it.

Marceno and the sheriff’s office are using public property, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office website, to promote a clear fraudulent claim by the sheriff.

Now, let’s go back just a little bit.  Marceno applied for a job at the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.  On his application, which you can see here, Marceno said that he attended Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) from 1990 to 1998.  He didn’t graduate nor did he even earn a two-year Associate’s Degree during that time.

However, what I discovered was that even though he was in Florida partially from 1999 to 2000, he continued to be enrolled and “attend” SCCC.

The National Student Clearing House records indicate that Marceno actually attended SCCC from 1990 to 2002.  That’s 12 years and he didn’t even get an Associate’s degree!

As you can see, going to college for twelve years didn’t even result in him getting a two years degree.  Perhaps he used college to chase skirts and drink.  After all, one of his arrests that he admitted to on his applications was for possession of alcohol.  It appears he was a party boy and nothing more, but he promotes himself as educated and on track for a bachelor’s degree.  If he’s on track for a bachelor’s degree, I’m on track to be president of the united States.

According to former Lee County Rod Shoap, all information that is placed on the application is to be truthful and should have been signed by a notary and anything untrue is subject to perjury.

Clearly, Marceno is a fraud on many fronts, but I’m guessing that at least one of his previous employers that he listed on his applications that concerns his father is highly questionable.  Once I have concrete documented evidence on that, I’ll be reporting it.

Until then, the people of Lee County have a known felon, fraud and perjurer as their top cop, and so far, not a peep out of the governor’s office.

However, there is an investigation into his crimes and unethical behavior towards Deanna Williams that is being conducted by the Florida Commission on Ethics, and quite possibly, another investigation by FDLE into the same crimes and ethical violations due to Sheriff Shoap’s complaints and the governor’s office referencing contacting FDLE concerning questions about Marceno.

For more documentation on the things that were addressed above, here are previous articles on the subject:

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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