Home»US»Marine’s Epic Response to Not Wearing His Uniform for His Own Protection

Marine’s Epic Response to Not Wearing His Uniform for His Own Protection

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Just a few days ago, the Obama Pentagon refused to acknowledge the rights of its military members to arm themselves at recruitment offices. Instead, they told them the same thing troops were told in Europe back in November: Don’t wear your uniforms and “close the blinds” for their own protection. However, one Marine had an epic response to the ridiculous recommendations and, no doubt, it will go viral.

John McCall is a motor transportation operator in the United States Marine Corps. He has been serving since October of 2009, as well as being the Director of Marketing for Visalus Sciences and Lead Technician for Steel Dynamics, Inc.

Upon hearing the recommendations, McCall took to Facebook and wrote, “To the higher powers that be: You have suggested we Marines NOT wear our uniforms to recruiting stations for “our own protection”. Let me make myself clear. If I’m not going to hide in Afghanistan during a war, why in the hell would I EVER hide in my own country?”

“The day us Marines run and hide from our enemies will be the day this country falls,” he continued. “We won’t EVER let that happen. We WILL continue to wear our uniform with pride.”

He then added that his words, along with his Marine brother Ben Reynolds‘ words “combin(ed) with the actions of many, will restore hope.”

He then encouraged, “Tag 3 ppl and spread the word! #GodBlessAmerica #SemperFidelis #AmericasPolice #USMarines#USMC #UnitedWeStand.”

john mccall 2

At the time I first viewed the post, it had around 11,000 shares. As of the writing of the article (the next morning), it had nearly 24,000 shares.

The claim that closing the blinds at a US military recruitment office is somehow protection is not even in a sane person’s mind. What, are they not going to cover up the military logo on the door, or the sign above the facility that indicates it’s part of the US military? C’mon!

Second, McCall is exactly right. Is the Pentagon really going to allow those recruiters to not wear their uniforms to work? Isn’t that part of being in the military? Isn’t that part of the dress code?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Obama administration is not incompetent and this is why so many Republicans are not dealing with him properly. He is doing exactly what he and his handlers want to do. Make no mistake, he hates America and wishes to destroy it from within, just like the Marxist-Muslim he is.

Last week, Marine Sergeant Jeremy Knauff warned members of the Islamic State that they would soon learn of the brotherhood of the Marines and that the rules of engagement would not apply to them here on US soil. Medal of Honor Marine Sergeant Dakota Meyer also called on the “full institution of the Second Amendment” not only for military servicemen, but also for all Americans.

I think Mr. McCall has echoed the same resolve when it comes to hiding and playing like little girls instead of Marines.

May God continue to give these men courage in the face of a treasonous administration, an impotent Congress and a demonic, Islamic enemy.

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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