Marvel Comics NEW VILLAINS are CONSERVATIVES: New Captain America Beats Up Republicans
Goebbels never had it so good.
Marvel has completely lost it. First, we had the Muslima superhero fighting “islamophobia“—now this. Captain Marvel is going after conservatives. Shouldn’t he be renamed Captain Anti-America? Shame on Disney (which owns Marvel). The once-great American entertainment company is becoming a cesspool of traitorous agitprop.
“UGH: Marvel’s Captain America beats up CONSERVATIVES in new comic book series,” by The Right Scoop on Oct 15, 2015
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Marvel has decided to take a more liberal and partisan slant in its new Captain America comic book series as it has Captain America beating up conservatives who are trying to stop illegal immigrants from coming into the country.
So stopping illegal immigration is now something a right-wing terrorist would do that requires a liberal superhero to fight against? What a load of crap.
This is obviously a response to Donald Trump making illegal immigration a huge issue in this election campaign. Liberals can’t stand the idea of illegals being deported or a big wall being built to keep them from coming in. So they portray conservatives like Trump, Cruz, and others as right-wing terrorists and illegal immigration as something to be defended.
Geez, it’s getting harder and harder to give anything Marvel comics does the time of day. Heck, this season of Agents of Shield has an openly gay character who just finds out he has to go back in the ‘closet’ because of his newfound super powers.
But it’s the same in DC comics, as they are putting more gay openly gay characters in their most of their series like Arrow and Gotham.
The liberal agenda never quits which is why we need candidates who will stand up and strongly defend conservative values in a coherent way.
Pamela Geller’s commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books