Multiple Australian Television News Broadcasts Declare “New World Order” Is Here
I woke up Sunday morning to several Australian broadcasts declaring the New World Order is here. I know, many people waiting on the anonymous Q to save them won’t believe it, but this is the mainstream media declaring it. They are apparently OK just putting it in the people’s faces because they know they aren’t doing anything about the infringements of their liberties now.
Take a look at these two broadcasts. Pardon the language as obviously those videoing are upset.
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Keep in mind that this is coming out of the very continent that shut down the entire world from carrying and commenting on the alleged Christchurch mosque shooting and threatened to people from other countries for carrying the video and pointing out what appeared to be an obvious hoax. In fact, several people went to jail for over a decade for just having the video in their possession.
Did Anyone Else Notice The Similarities In The NZ Shooting Story & The Texas Church Shooting?
Of course, those lies in Australia led to door-to-door gun confiscation.
New Zealand Police “Happened to Be in a Training Session” When Mosque Shooting Began
New Zealand: Door-to-Door Gun Confiscation Targets Thousands – One Man Already Reported Dead
Does anyone think this is a coincidence that the claim of a rollout of the New World Order is starting in Australia?
Oh, wait, I’m sure the Q people are probably talking about a full lockdown of the continent just to get Tom Hanks and a few pedophiles, right?
Come on, people! Use your head! Think!
For more on the groundwork that has been laid for this, check out this extensive series of articles titled “Australia’s Place in the New World Order.”
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media