Never Forget: The Same Politicians Calling For “Freedom” Now Are The Ones Who Took Yours Away Months Ago
In case you haven’t noticed, a line is being drawn in the sand: you either stand with Ukraine and unquestioningly parrot the establishment narrative — or you are an agent of the Kremlin. The war propaganda is palpable and we haven’t seen anything like this since the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
While the media and your leaders are demanding that you “take a side,” it is important to remember that it is entirely possible to stand against the Russian invasion in Ukraine as well as the folks who helped to instigate it.
There is no question that NATO policy over the last 8 years has pushed Vladimir Putin into a corner, creating a direct threat to the national security of Russia. And, as Chris Hedges points out, “Russia has every right to feel threatened, betrayed, and angry.”
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However, he adds, “But to understand is not to condone. The invasion of Ukraine, under post-Nuremberg laws, is a criminal war of aggression.”
It is also important to point out that those standing with the Ukraine now, are largely responsible for the quagmire currently unfolding in the region. As we listen to political voices talk about standing up for “freedom and democracy” in Ukraine, their words ring hollow to those who have been paying attention.
For starters, Ukraine is not a democracy as democracies don’t take down three TV stations for being critical of the president. Democracies don’t kidnap and cage their political opposition, who happened to come in second in the election process. And, democracies don’t bomb innocent civilians within their own countries for not being loyal to the party.
Undoubtedly, the people of Ukraine desire freedom and democracy — but their leaders have made it clear that this is not their end game.
What’s more, those claiming to stand for freedom and democracy out here in the West, are not who they claim to be either. Just a few short weeks ago, they were carrying out incredible acts of tyranny against their own people.
“Today, as President Putin attempts to illegally and unjustifiably seize Ukraine’s territory, Canada continues to be inspired by Ukraine and its people, who remain strong, resilient, and determined as they defend their country’s sovereignty,” Canada’s Prime Minster Justin Trudeau said in a statement on Ukraine last week. “In these dark hours, Canada’s message to the people of Ukraine is this: You are not alone. We are standing with you. Our support for Ukraine, for democracy, and for human rights remains unwavering.”
Exactly how he said this through a straight face is anyone’s guess, as Trudeau has risen through the ranks of history’s tyrants rather quickly over the last two years.
Only weeks before claiming he stands for freedom and human rights, Trudeau began freezing the bank accounts of protesters who stood against tyrannical mandates. Citizens were beaten and arrested for protesting peacefully in front of the capitol. Not only did they go after the protesters, but the government went after the bank accounts of those who provided monetary support in the form of donations as well.
For practicing their free speech, Canadians were persecuted and driven into financial ruin by the government who claims to stand with the Ukraine. This was all carried out with zero due process and without any democratic input at all — completely voiding the statement that Trudeau “stands for democracy.”
When the American political class — who also claims to “stand for democracy in Ukraine” — watched as the Canadian government began financially persecuting individuals for their freedom of speech, they not only remained silent but facilitated it. This was one of the most tyrannical moves in recent Western history and instead of standing against it, the establishment actually supported it.
In fact, a poll by Trafalger Group for Convention of the States recently found that a super-majority of Democrats, 65%, actually thought Trudeau’s authoritarian move to arrest people and confiscate their life savings — for practicing their freedom of speech — was a good thing.
In a similar speech, like the one from Trudeau above, Biden talked out of the side of his mouth as well as he claimed “America stands up to bullies. We stand up for freedom. This is who we are.”
Again, these words ring hollow given the fact that only months before he said this, he was removing people’s freedom — forcing them to take a vaccine or face financial ruin.
Instead of calling out the establishment for these unconstitutional and illegal mandates, ABC, CBS, NBC, WaPo, AP, MSNBC, and CNN, chose to support the unilateral decision to force Americans to undergo a medical procedure against their will and vehemently defended it — claiming those that opposed it were the problem.
It is no surprise that these were the same media who have been marching us into a conflict with Russia over Ukraine — only this time, instead of stupid lies about horse paste, their disinformation has potentially catastrophic consequences.
We cannot have such short memories. The same folks who lied to us for two years over covid are again manipulating us into a devastating conflict with Russia because they stand to reap massive profits from war.
As Chris Hedges so accurately reminds us:
Only the autocrats and politicians who dream of empire and global hegemony, of the god-like power that comes with wielding armies, warplanes, and fleets, along with the merchants of death, whose business floods countries with weapons, profit from war. The expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe has earned Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Analytic Services, Huntington Ingalls, Humana, BAE Systems, and L3Harris billions in profits. The stoking of conflict in Ukraine will earn them billions more.
We must not let the purveyors of propaganda lead us into another Afghanistan or Iraq. We simply cannot afford it, and this time, the enemy is a far greater threat than an insurgency in caves.
Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist