NYC to Honor Obama Freed Terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera in Parade
A Puerto Rican militant, who had his prison sentence commuted by Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah on his way out of the White House, was scheduled to be the de facto grand marshal in the 2017 Puerto Rican Day Parade on June 11 in New York City.
Rivera, 74, was a member of Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN). He was convicted of sedition in Chicago in 1981. That led him to federal prison for 55 years and he had an additional 15 years tacked on as a result of an attempt to escape USP Leavenworth in 1988.
Mr. Rivera rejected clemency in 1999, he was finally released on May 17, 2017 by order of Obama. He is most infamously known for the Fraunces Tavern bombing. Even though he was never convicted in any of the bombings, a former FALN member testified that he was the one who gave instructions on how to make bombs, detonators and silencers.
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Rivera was named the “National Freedom Hero” of New York City’s 2017 Puerto Rican Day Parade. Several sponsors of the parade, including Jet Blue, Coca-Cola, AT&T and the New York Yankees have pulled their support as a result.
As a member of FALN, his selection to be a part of the parade has outraged NYPD officers, as well as policemen across the nation. Why? Jim Kouri reports:
The violence-prone FALN used terrorist tactics in the hopes of making Puerto Rico — a U.S. territory — a free nation so they could set up their own Marxist government. It’s believed the Democratic Party’s affection for the FALN has more to do with its ideology than with poverty or civil-rights on that Caribbean Island.
FALN’s bombings in New York’s Manhattan left five Americans dead and a police officer was left with one-eye and a lifetime without being able to work in the job he loved. “I guess to Obama and his people, what’s one cop when you can stick it to the American people by releasing terrorists from Gitmo [Guantanamo Bay) and criminals from federal prisons,” said political strategist Michael C. Baker.
Exactly one week before the Inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama and his Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, decided to release a report on the excessive violence in Chicago. But unlike Trump, who complained about uncontrolled crime and corruption, Lynch spewed the usual anti-police rhetoric commonly used by Democratic Party candidates to avoid actually doing something to help inner-city residents.
In 1999, Eric Holder helped arrange Bill Clinton pardons for 16 unrepentant members of FALN who had been convicted of “a variety of charges that included conspiracy, sedition, violation of the Hobbes Act (extortion by force, violence or fear), armed robbery and illegal possession of weapons and explosives — including large quantities of C-4 plastic explosive, dynamite and huge caches of ammunition.”
However, what Clinton wouldn’t do was release Rivera.
Obama changed that as President Donald Trump took office. This should come as no surprise seeing that Obama hosted America’s enemies in the White House, worked with them, funded and trained them, armed them, and had close personal friendships with them.
Anthony Seft, a retired New York City detective said of Rivera, “He’s not a hero to my family and I have Puerto Rican relatives, they aren’t dancing in the street. They are disgusted.”
“How could you recognize a man who was responsible for people losing their limbs and dying?” added Seft.
“It’s sad that we are putting the man in the parade,” said Seft, a 36-year veteran of the NYPD. “In the great history of Puerto Rico in our city, and they are going to be marching with him. And embracing him as a hero. It’s not flying with a lot of people.”
The New York City Police Benevolent Association issued a statement praising the NYPD’s Hispanic Society’s boycott of the parade.
“New York City police officers risk their lives daily to protect all the people of New York City from the very acts of terrorism perpetrated by Oscar Lopez Rivera and the FALN. The annual Puerto Rican Day Parade is a magnificent celebration of a proud heritage shared by New Yorkers and police officers alike. Honoring a remorseless terrorist who refuses to condemn acts of violence effectively steals the parade from the good and honorable people who are proud of their Puerto Rican heritage. We must remember the terrible injuries sustained by police officers Angel Poggi and Rocco Pascarello and detectives Richard Pastorella and Anthony Seft. It is simply wrong to honor a man who is responsible for so much death, destruction and injury. The NYC PBA supports the decision of the NYPD Hispanic Society and its President, Jenimarie Garcia Cruz, to boycott this year’s parade.”
Of course, Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio was thrilled with the decision to honor Rivera. So are more than 30 city representatives.
“Oscar’s presence will lift people’s spirits and bring attention to the challenges that must be immediately addressed on the island,” they said.
And should there be a bombing at the parade, whose spirits will be lifted then? It seems that places like New York City are always shooting themselves in the foot. This is just another example of the treasonous thinking of those in power in NYC.