Home»US»Obama Released This Jihadi in 2012 – Now He’s Fighting against the West… Again!

Obama Released This Jihadi in 2012 – Now He’s Fighting against the West… Again!

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We all knew that it would happen. This is hardly news when you think about it for a minute. Who did not know that if you imprison a man, he will tell you anything to be released? When you add in the fact what religion is stirred into this, then one could hardly expect anything different.

The Miami Herald reports:

A former Guantanamo detainee who was released to Sudan after a war court guilty plea has emerged in a key position in al-Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula, according to an expert on jihadist movements.

“He’s clearly a religious leader in the group,” said Aaron Zelin, senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy who edits the Jihadology blog. He found Guantanamo 2002-12 detainee Ibrahim al-Qosi _ his photo and his biography _ on the latest video release from the offshoot of Osama bin Laden’s organization, “Guardians of Shariah.”

So, instead of this mad idea that the Left has about assimilating these people into normal culture, they are finding their way back to the fight. Many of the people in Guantanamo Bay are the leaders and masterminds of the early war effort for al-Qaida. However, instead of dealing with them as war criminals, the Obama administration has given them leave to return to the fight.

How is this not like letting the Nazis free after the war?

The Herald continued:

Obama administration officials neither confirmed nor denied the
apparent case of recidivism, which was first reported on the Long War Journal website Wednesday.

The video included al-Qosi’s biography and said he joined the jihad in Yemen in December 2014. It also said he was close to bin Laden “until he was imprisoned in Guantanamo in 2001.” Al-Qosi, now 55, arrived at the detention center Jan. 13, 2002, according to documents obtained by McClatchy Newspapers from the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks. He pleaded guilty to foot soldier war crimes in 2010 in exchange for release in 2012.

Ten years? This murderer only served ten years? Now he is the spiritual leader of the organization. And what has the administration had to say about this clear bumbling of this terrorist?

They will not tell us whether it is him or not. The probable reason is that they do not know where al-Qosi is right now. They do not know if he is in Yemen or not. They do not know if he is part of a propaganda video or surfing down the North African coast. They are clueless.

The Miami Herald reports:

On the AQAP tape, al-Qosi opines in Arabic on the evolving globalization of jihad. His comments were translated for the Herald by a journalist fluent in Arabic.

“As the U.S. has waged war on us remotely as a solution to minimize its casualties, we have fought it remotely, as well by individual jihad,” he is heard saying. “And as the U.S. has killed our men, we have killed its people. But it is not the same. Our dead are in heaven and theirs are in the hellfire, and the war is not over yet.”

Al-Qosi is right about one thing, the war is not over. But it soon will be for us if we continue to fight it the way we are now.

God help us!

* Article by Michael Ware

The Washington Standard

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