Search Result for “rashida tlaib”

The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.
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Kohls points out that a Marxist group called Justice Democrats were formed to respond to the election of Donald Trump as president. What did the Justice Democrats do?  They held “auditions” for possible candidates for Congress.  Among those who “auditioned” was one Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
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No Jew with a brain or with dignity should support the neo-Nazi Democrat Party in any way.
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This has been nothing more than another episode, a long and expensive one at that, of WWE, but you can bet it will all be fodder come 2020 in that election cycle.
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While I welcome the questioning about the lobbying and foreign policy, when you put Ms. Omar into perspective, it’s clear to me that she is engaging in taqiyya in order to deceive as much as possible to advance a particular Islamic agenda, and this should be apparent from looking at not only what she has said, but who she is affiliated with.
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Omar is practicing Taqiyya in the way that she is trying to portray herself as an LGBTQ advocate in light of facing criticism for her anti-Jewish statements, and pro-Islamic terror associations.
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A CAIR operative lying — it’s like breathing for them.
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Her actions and statements clearly demonstrate that she has no idea of our foundations or what our Constitution means by what it says.  It’s time to bring the issue of impeachment up against Omar, Tlaib and several other freshmen representatives, as well as some older ones and remove them from our government.
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Today, the red MAGA hat has become an iconic symbol that is instantly recognizable everywhere in the entire country, but it is also a lightning rod that can provoke a violent backlash from those on the left. And for millions of teens that wish to rebel against the dominant politically-correct culture of the day, such a symbol can be irresistible, and perhaps that is why so many of them are now wearing MAGA hats.
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In the new Democrat House, Omar is being rewarded rather than censured and investigated.
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