Search Result for “Bernie Sanders ”

Bernie Sanders Could Have Died Under Medicare-for-All
On Tuesday night, Senator Bernie Sanders, the socialist candidate who has run on a plan to nationalize medicine and ban health insurance, began to feel ill while doing an event at a Pakistani Halal restaurant. Sanders requested a chair in the middle of answering a question. He appeared even more …

Bernie Sanders Just Lost Every Union Worker Vote After Slipping Up & Revealing His Sick Plan!
What in the world is Bernie Sanders thinking? After his latest ramblings most union workers are NOT feeling “The Bern” but rather just feeling “Burned” by a man who is supposedly in their corner. Here’s more from Gary: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body with these non-transdermal …

Bernie Sanders Fired 3 Staffers For Labor Organizing
This is bad. But not surprising. Bernie Sanders, like Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, and most lefties, is a terrible boss. He’s “a prick” and “an assh*le” to his staff, known as “a screamer and a table-banger.” For these reasons, Jaffe said the word some people used to describe Sanders’ attitude toward his …

Bernie Sanders Uses Presidential Campaign To Fundraise For Jihad Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Reelection
America’s kapo has once again betrayed the Jewish people, by aligning with another vehement hater of Israel. Bernie Sanders’ is quite simply an utter disgrace, and one of the worst human beings to ever run for POTUS. If Sanders is elected president he will finish the U.S-Israel relationship. #Jexodus! Bernie Sanders Uses Presidential Campaign …

Bernie Sanders Defends His Attendance At Rally Calling for Death Of Americans
The New York Times contacted Senator Bernie Sanders to discuss his anti-American politics, his participation in a Marxist terrorist rally calling for the death of Americans, and solidarity with Russia and other enemy regimes.

Russians To Bernie Sanders During Soviet Honeymoon: Socialism Does Not Work
If you want a Cuban revolution of disease outbreaks, prison camps for the political opposition and no money, there’s Bernie 2020.

Establishment Democrats Plot Sabotage Of Bernie Sanders Again -Fear Trump Would Beat Him
The stronger the Sanders campaign gets, the louder the calls for Hillary Clinton to run will become.

Why Won’t Bernie Sanders Release His Taxes?
No major politician has had a bigger change in his financial status after the last election than Bernie Sanders. And both in 2016 and now, Bernie has been reluctant to release his taxes, and responded to calls to do so with stalling tactics.

Bernie Sanders Doubles Down On Wanting To Eliminate Private Health Insurance
“You’re damn right,” Sanders wrote in a tweet in response to a Republican National Committee Research tweet pointing out that he called for eliminating private health insurance during an interview earlier in the day.

Conservative Group Wants Bernie Sanders To ‘Feel the Bern’ – Takes Legal Action Against Him
Bernie Sanders has hired foreign national Maria Belén Sisa to act as his campaign deputy press secretary, which is a violation of American campaign laws.