Search Result for “new zealand”

New Zealand: New South Wales Police Officer Pens Letter To Commissioner Objecting To COVID-19 Tyranny
Asleep Americans, you bought the circus … (sigh) again. It doesn’t matter which candidate wins, the situation in the united States will not change. In fact, it’s going to get worse. Despite the information exposing COVID-19 as scientific fraud/malpractice and the updated statements by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) …

Unbelievable! New Zealand Now Fining Violators Of Tyrannical Face Mask “Law” Up To $700!
The same criminal woman, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who sided with globalists to disarm her people, many of which went willingly along with it in the face of the Christchurch mosque shooting hoax is now advancing more tyranny on the people in the wake of new pretended legislation …

New Zealand: Crusaders Rugby Team Drops Sword from Logo Because of Christchurch Mosque Massacres
You will be relieved to know that the New Zealand rugby team known as the Crusaders have changed their logo, removing the sword-brandishing Crusader who up to now lurked by the C in the team’s name. According to the New Zealand Herald, the change is because of the shootings in mosques …

Good News: Civil Disobedience / NonCompliance Are Hindering New Zealand’s Gun Confiscation Efforts
If you want to know how to beat gun control, look no further than New Zealand. Noncompliance with the new mandatory gun buyback law is kneecapping the government’s ability to enforce the law they wrote. As of last week, only 700 weapons have been turned over to New Zealand’s government …

Citizens Give New Zealand’s Gun Ban The Finger – Only 530 of 300,000 People Turned Guns In
After New Zealand banned people from having guns in reaction to the terrible shooting in March, almost everyone is refusing to obey the law.

Island Gun Laws: The History of Gun Control & Crime in Australia, New Zealand, & the UK
All in all, a truly free society is one that respects an individual’s right to self defense. No matter the intentions, governments have no authority to infringe upon this sacred right.

New Zealand Deputy PM Under Fire For Claiming Muslim Communities In New Zealand Have “Militant Underbelly”
Jihad against unbelievers is taught in the Qur’ans they read in New Zealand as much as it is in the Qur’ans they read everywhere else. So what did Winston Peters say — 14 years ago — that was false?

New Zealand: Door-to-Door Gun Confiscation Targets Thousands – One Man Already Reported Dead
Now, after thousands have been targeted in door-to-door gun confiscations, it’s being reported that at least one man is dead due to the tyrannical policies of New Zealand.

In The Wake Of Threats Over New Zealand Shooting Posts, Brighteon Seeks Long-Term Goal To Protect Free Speech On Video
We are fighting for survival in an age of extreme techno-fascism and censorship.

New Zealand Bans Guns – Vast Non-Compliance From Gun Owners
Out of an estimated 1.2 million registered guns, New Zealand police report that as of Tuesday night, 37 firearms have been surrendered nationwide