Search Result for “barack obama”

Media Cut Off from Jade Helm 15 Military Exercises
So much for the First Amendment under imam Barack Hussein Obama! Restricting freedom of the press seems to be the norm for this administration and once again, they have demonstrated an unwillingness to be transparent with the American people on what is presumably a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act …
Parental Rights Amendment: Congressmen Are Selling You and Your Kids Out to Big Government
If politicians introduced a bill mandating the slaughter of all human babies under the age of two years; but called it, “The Little Babies Protection Act,” establishment conservatives and unthinking people all over the Country would be clamoring for its passage. We have become a shallow and easily deceived people. …
Why the Tea Party Failed
The tea party movement failed – was co-opted by RINOs and lying progressives – because it was never founded on principles. It was founded on slogans: “limited government,” “the Constitution,” “stop the spending,” and “abolish the fed.” But they didn’t have a principled understanding of these concepts. They didn’t know what …
Extortion 17 Cover Up: Feds Engaged in Black Magic with Black Box
In a scandal bigger than Benghazi, in which 30 Americans lost their lives, including 17 Navy SEALs from SEAL Team Six, the shoot-down of Extortion 17 continues to be masked by cover up. One of the most bizarre indications that a cover up is going on concerning Extortion 17 is …
Many Americans Don’t Have a Clue what the 4th of July is about – Here’s a Reminder
Will Your wonders be made known in the darkness? And Your righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? Psalm 88:12 Amid Islamic terror threats, military exercises on American streets, a ringer in the White House, a legislating Supreme Court, a spineless Congress and a host of other lawlessness that is currently …
Extortion 17 Bombshell: America’s Special Operations are Under Command of Foreign Entities
Extortion 17 was the call sign of a Chinook helicopter carrying 17 Navy SEALs, who were a part of SEAL team six (who allegedly took out Osama bin Laden), along with a few Army Rangers, National Guard Pilots and at least 7 unknown Afghan soldiers. In a recent book, author …